The Law of Cause & Effect
The Law of Cause & Effect
Season 1, Episode 19
Whatever goal or dream you want in your life, the Law of Cause and Effect will deliver it to you. When you understand how this law works, you can achieve any result you want.
There are 7 principles of the Law of Cause and Effect that will help you understand how powerful it is and how to apply it better. Most importantly, if you want your life to expand and increase, you must focus on expanding and increasing the lives of others.
1:53 - Luck is a word we invented to explain the known effects of unknown causes.
3:37 - Our limiting beliefs are the effect caused by the words of others, repeated in our mind over time.
6:43 - The first cause of everything is whatever you are thinking about.
8:33 - Spiritual law isn’t something someone made up. There are 7 spiritual laws that all work together to get your results.
8:31 - The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy says that everything in reality is energy and flows into form.
10:04 - The Law of Gender says you need two halves to make a whole, and it takes time to transmute energy into physical form.
11:03 - The Law of Rhythm follows a predictable cycle and flow.
12:03 - The Law of Vibration decrees that everything moves, nothing is at rest.
13:57 - The Law of Polarity says that opposites exist in our reality.
15:07 - The Law of Relativity says polarity only exists when you compare something to something else.
17:17 - The Law of Cause and Effect has 7 principles for you to understand it on a deeper level. Number 1, the law works positively. We know this as the law of Karma; the good we put out comes back to us.
17:52 - Number 2, the Law works negatively. If you put out negativity, you get negativity in return.
18:09 - Number 3, the Law works abundantly. If you put a little good out, more good comes back to you.
18:56 - Number 4, the Law can be used by anyone!
19:13 - Number 5, the Law can be used in many different ways. There are so many ways you can increase your income.
19:29 - Number 6, the Law says you can do everything right and still lose.
20:29 - Number 7, the Law says if you do not focus on the cause you have no right to the effect.
22:06 - To apply the Law of Cause & Effect, you need to get started planting and be mindful of how you are contributing to the world.
23:15 - If you want to increase your income, the secret is leaving everyone with an impression of increase. Give without expectation of reward to everyone.
26:00 - This law has worked in my life like magic. The more I give, the more I receive and every time I invest in myself, my income grows.
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