Diane Morrison
Diane: [00:00:00] I realized that I could do anything for other people.
But I couldn't do it for me. And that's where the growth began. And that's when I found Bob Proctor. And I knew it was going to change my life.
And the funny thing is, Bob Proctor's information really resonates with what everything Dolores Cannon found and about the higher self, everything's frequency and vibration, we're working with this loving universe, right? In the Bob Proctor seminar. He starts talking about frequency and the levels and everything, and I am texting Julia Cannon.
OMG, I'm at a Bob Proctor seminar. He's talking about the higher self. He's talking about the SC and how it's levels and layers. I'm like, he's saying the same stuff you say and you draw in your classes. It was so powerfully connected. The same information said from different people in different ways.
Validating that everybody's getting infused with these similar messages from the higher self, from spirit, and whether or not you act on it is the only difference, really.
Intro: [00:01:00] Welcome. You're listening to the reprogram your mind podcast, and I'm your host, Todd L Bauerle.
You think between 60 and 70, 000 thoughts a day. 98 percent of your life is controlled by habit. If you want to change your life, you have to start by changing how you think. When you change you, everything in life changes. If we can see it in our mind, we can hold it in our hands.
Todd: Welcome back everybody to the reprogram your mind podcast.
My name is Todd Bauerle. I'm a coach. I work with people around the world. Helping with their mindset, the story that you tell yourself becomes your reality. And what I say in that introduction is absolutely true. When you change you, everything in life changes. When you change what's happening on the inside, what you're thinking, what you're feeling, who you believe you are, and change your behavior to make a better impact in the [00:02:00] world, everything in your life changes.
But until you get connected to your power on the inside, You'll likely be frustrated or be greeted with challenges and you'll be frustrated, stuck, and really what you need is greater connection with the power inside of yourself. And there's no greater power than you in this world and your higher self.
This episode is going to be an interview that I had with a woman named Diane Morrison. She is a QHHT practitioner, based on Dolores Cannon's work. She's going to talk about what that all means.
But it's all about, and she used the word communing with your higher self. Getting the answers, the clarity, the wisdom, the guidance from your higher self, that version of you, that essence, that creative consciousness. That's connected with everybody here, getting answers straight from the source, not through someone else's paradigm or someone else's programming.
It's such a powerful experience. I actually had a QHHT session several years ago, not with [00:03:00] Diane, but with someone that she had recommended. And it's something that every once in a while I feel like this client is ready for that. Or this client might need that breakthrough. And she's always the first person I go to, to find someone nearby locally that can help my clients, or if someone can work with her directly.
So without any further preamble, I'm really excited to begin sharing this interview with Diane on commuting with your higher self.
Diane, I am so excited to have you on the podcast and chat with you. We met years ago without a lot of professional interaction at Bob Proctor's matrix event in 2019. Can you just believe that's over five years ago, by the way? No, I can't. It's crazy.
I'm really excited to hear your story. Who you are, what led you to this profession, this mysterious profession of QHHT professional. And then we'll start talking about your work as well. But to start off, Diane, [00:04:00] what was your awareness journey like leading you up to where you're at now?
Diane: So I'm going to start by saying I never intended to be a QHHT practitioner.
It came onto my radar. So how it happened was I was an occupational therapist and I silently retired right before the pandemic. I was still working as an OT when I went to the Bob Proctor Matrix. But it was shortly thereafter that I just phased out and I was on that plan anyway. But I was an occupational therapist.
I consider that my first calling. I really felt a call to help people help themselves. That's how it started when I was young and I got on my path and I loved it and I thought that would be forever. And so I was happy and satisfied with that work. But then in 2000, around 2010, The end of the year, I think it was, I was given the book custodians that Dolores Cannon wrote, and I read the book [00:05:00] and it changed my life.
I just resonated with it. It's an interesting book about people that have had experiences connecting with other types of beings. So I'm just going to drop that. Bomb right there. There we go. We're rolling.
Todd: Yeah. We're going to get, we're going to get into it for sure because Dolores's work is it, some people could see it as being out there or a little woo woo and that's okay.
We're going to have to embrace that in the course of our conversation because that's all part of being human as well. Yeah. Yeah. Who gave you the book? How'd you find it?
Diane: So it was my second husband. So we're going to say that my second husband, his name was, his rich. And So when we got together and we moved in and shared the same house and our bookcases came together is how I like to say it because we both loved reading and we had a lot of books.
I never noticed before we moved in and our bookcases were together. I looked at his books and I saw all these books about people that had experiences. types of beings. And I never knew that he was [00:06:00] interested in that at all. It's not something you speak about out loud most of the time. Unless you're in circles of people that know that and feel comfortable with it.
So I read all of his books because. I just couldn't get enough of that information. I thought it was so fascinating that, these people, there's so many, and there's so many cases of it, and it's validated all around the world. So I loved it. I couldn't read enough. So I read all his books and sometimes it made me feel weird Oh, this is so strange, and I'd go through my own internal process of adjusting to the comfort level with that information.
But, He knew that I really enjoyed reading about those stories, and I was resonating with them, and some of them scared me, and some of them made me feel happy, and I felt like I was learning that there's more to this earth than just the physical, and I liked that., He found Dolores and he found the book Custodians and I really hadn't heard of her before and he just gave it to me as a gift.
He handed me the book and I looked at it and I said, what is this? And it had a little picture of an E. T. on it and I [00:07:00] was like, ooh, what? So I said, who is Dolores Cannon? And it was Ozark Mountain Publishing, that was, that is her publishing company. And I looked at it and I was just like, what? I don't understand.
Who's this woman who looks like a little church grandma? I read the book though and it literally I felt like everything inside of me shifted energetically like everything went into alignment I could feel it almost physically like at my energy system was going clunk into place I always talk about it.
Like it felt like tumblers in a lock were aligning So I was very much aligning and resonating with her work. After I read the book, I felt like I had to have a session with her. And I called the office in Arkansas and I said, how can I get a session with Dolores? And they said, she had a year long waiting list.
And I was like, no, I can't wait. I have to go. I need to go now. How do I get near her? I don't even care what it is. I just need to be near this woman because I felt that draw. So I just went to Arkansas to her class. Cause I said, I could go to the class. She was teaching and I hopped on a plane. I think I [00:08:00] said to my, he's now my ex husband and he's very nice.
I said to him, I have to go to Arkansas. I need to go. It was not even a discussion. It was just I'm going to go. And this was the only thing I could do. My drive was so strong. My anyway, you understand when you feel something that you resonate with that strongly, it's pulling you forward and that's how you know, this is my heart and soul.
It's not just my conscious mind, my ego, my personality, something I want to do. I want to go shopping at TJ Maxx today. It's not like that. It's
Speaker 20: so
Diane: I went and I took the class and. I sat there, eyes wide as saucers, just absorbing this information, how to do this technique that I didn't intend to do the technique.
I just wanted a session from her, but I'm listening and everything made sense. And I was. And yeah, a lot of us joke about how when she was in the bathroom, I happened to be in the bathroom with her.
Speaker 19: And I waited until she was done, but after I got out of the bathroom, I was like, Delores, do you think I could get a
Diane: session with you?
Most of the time. A lot of us have that [00:09:00] story where we tried to get a session. Anyway, she was traveling to China and she didn't say no. And I always say that too. She didn't say no to me. She said, how? I was like, great question. I said, can you bend time? Can you make time? Can you bend time and fit me in?
And she just looked at me and I said, probably not. So what she didn't know was I tried to look for a local practitioner before I went to that class. And I didn't see anybody that I resonated with within my distance that I wanted to travel. And so after that weekend long plus event, I went back home and I looked again and there was somebody.
Within my range that had appeared magically over a short period of time. So that's how I say it. So Dolores taught the class and on the plane ride home, I started to get guidance from my higher self. Everybody has this, but not everybody is consciously aware. And I heard the words, heard meaning not physically, but a sense internally.
If you want to do this work, you got to make a space for it. And I was like, so we had moved into this [00:10:00] house and in the back, there wasn't a home office that had been a hair salon for a woman that lived there before an art studio for the woman before, and then a piano studio for someone that taught music.
This space had been. Like a woman's space for working at home. And when I moved into that place with my then husband, I walked into that room before I knew any of this. And I said, I don't know what I'm going to do in this space, but I'm going to do something in this space that has to do with healing work.
I don't know what it is. I had no idea and then the message on the ride home and then I went home and I was like, I know what I'm going to do in this space. So I started practicing and it became my home office. So everything just was guided in a way. I agreed to it. I resonated with it. And instead of questioning it or doubting it, it was so strong.
I just agreed with it. It was me, myself, and I. getting pulled in the direction of my dreams without thinking about it in the conscious mind. So it [00:11:00] happened to me. I said yes, because it was so clearly coming from the inside out and the upside down as Bob says, right? It was so clearly inner guidance that I just said yes.
And I used to say that it was like the red carpet just rolled out in front of me. Like every step I took the carpet rolled out. Everything was guiding me towards this destination. And all I had to do was take the next step. Take the next step and then the next step would appear and it was magical, right?
So I started while I was doing full time work as an occupational therapist in a supervisory position and my life was very busy and my son was in high school and going to all the games and the concerts and everything and life was a blur Just a blur and I loved it because I was on track I was now on the path that I used to say and I still say I feel like I was looking for Dolores Cannon my whole adult life because I was a seeker.
I [00:12:00] wanted to learn more about the esoteric, the spiritual. What is one thing that brings us all together? What is the one thing we all believe in that unifies us as a human species, right? That was really a big deal for me. I felt like I found what I was looking for my whole life without even knowing I was looking for her.
That's how I got to Dolores. Got into her class. And then I just kept going to classes. I learned everything I could. And then. And I believe it was 2013. I was very active on the professional forum at the time. I was very active on it because I could not get enough of it.
Actually, I was just living, breathing QHHT and I would go to work as an OT, come home at night, do some sessions and then go online and read about all the sessions around the world that were happening. So I was just soaking it up. And then, so a group of us that were active on that forum got called to Arkansas to create level three with Dolores and her daughter Julia.
And I was one of the six people that got called to go and I was [00:13:00] just blown away. And it felt right because I felt like that was my path, even though I wasn't generating it. It was happening to me. Does that make sense?
Todd: Yeah. Of course it does. Yeah. Absolutely.
Diane: Yeah. So I feel like I got so lucky. I just got so lucky.
And why? I try to. Reverse engineer it. Like, how did that work? Cause Bobby used to talk about reverse engineer, and then you can teach it to someone else. And I just feel like I just kept doing what I loved. I just kept doing what I loved in my heart and soul, what felt right to me. And it was good for me.
And I knew it was, and there was no doubt. There was just no doubt. I was so aligned with it. And that's why that happened. Because when you do that, when you're. On track and in alignment with what your soul came here to do, whether you know it in your conscious mind or not, it's like magic, it's like the way is shown and you just walk each step, you just one step at a time and you get there.
So that was it. I got to go and be a part of that group. So there are only six of us. That were trained in all three [00:14:00] levels by Dolores and I joke a lot So I say we created level three with Dolores and Julia We tried to figure it out and plot it out how we were gonna how this was gonna be and then we had to pass the Test and we all flunked.
That's what I say because Dolores needed to refer people off her waiting list to Practitioners that she could trust that we're doing this technique like she did it and like she taught us
So we got lucky and once we passed then she felt like she could refer to us her List of clients because it was one year waiting list when I took the class But it ended up being an eight year long list waiting list because she was teaching all over the world and
Todd: Right.
Diane: She didn't do that many sessions and she this is what it's just amazing. She is an amazing woman She, at the end of her life, which we never knew was going to happen when it did, but she only took people that were considered terminal in terms of their health. She wanted to help the [00:15:00] people that were really close to death and help them change.
and rejuvenate their life. And that's what she did. And there are stories online about some of those people. One is named Laura Castro and she's still alive and her session is online. And I talked to her not too long ago to check in with her and she was given a new lease on life because she was close to death.
And because of this work, she was able to, her higher self helped her to heal her body. Once she understood Why she created it. It's so amazing. So that's how I got to this place that I am.
Todd: I want to get a link to that session from you. If that's online for people, we'll put that in the show notes so people can see it.
And I know we're jumping into this already, like Dolores and her work without really talking what it is, but I have a question for you. I have two questions, one leading up to this moment and one more about the red carpet rolling out. What, you said you were a seeker [00:16:00] before, what's the truth that, you were seeking for the truth that binds all of humanity together in a way.
What was that journey like before 2010? Are you coming from a religious background, from a metaphysical background? What were you just delving into everything? What was that? Okay. I'm going to go right into the meat and potatoes of it. I did not have a religious upbringing. We did have a typical Protestant kind of early Christian like upbringing, you'd call it, with Sunday school.
Diane: And then my parents, for their own reasons decided they weren't going to do that anymore. And I think I remember it like about six years old, them saying we're not going to go to church anymore. But if you guys want to, you can, I laugh about it like, oh, it's six years old. How am I going to get to church?
Right. Okay. So that stopped our spiritual teachings. We could say it like that. My dad was a scientist. He's still alive. My mom and dad are still alive, but he was a scientist and everything was more. Physically, scientifically based in my family,
I often felt like I, [00:17:00] I was missing out on something that my friends had and I didn't have spiritual teachings at home.
I had good values though, very good values from my parents and they had religious teachings. So of course we're getting the hand me down programming of good values and things like that. Right. But I didn't have a lot of spiritual teaching. So I, truth of the matter, I got really off track as I got older because I wasn't happy being on earth, okay?
So I went wayward, we'll say it like that. I did not really feel good here, didn't feel like I belonged here, didn't really understand why earth was so hard and harsh and felt awful to me. I didn't feel the love that I actually, I'll say it like this, later on I remembered there was a love.
In spirit. That I didn't feel here. And so I felt wayward and I did things that wayward people do. So I got very off track. So I ended up, the meat and potatoes is when I was about 18, I was living in Boston going to this little school cause I didn't know what to do with my life. I didn't know why I was here.
I didn't know what [00:18:00] I was supposed to do. So I went to this little school just because it was there and I was estranged from my family. So meat and potatoes is this is real life. It was not pleasant. And I was involved with a, you could say a horrifically abusive relationship. So if that isn't the crossroads that one needs to wake up, I don't know what is, but it worked.
I did have, a process of, it started with a crisis and I could say existential, I could say physical, I could say mental and emotional. It was everything. And in that process, I actually connected to something higher and greater than me that was helping me. And I, it was through, intensity and prayer. I literally prayed for help.
Powerful. And that's when everything changed. That's when things got real where things broke down, but I also had an experience of something helping me from beyond earth. That was what [00:19:00] I call spirit or God or source or something like that, a direct experience. And it wasn't pleasant because I didn't know what was happening because I had no training.
So I was scared. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew that it was like you could say I heard the voice. And it was really a simple thing. It wasn't anything profound. It was, listen to your parents.
The ones I was estranged from.
Todd: My question is why this is a typical trend that we see in humanity that we need crisis to change. Why, Diane, do you believe we need crisis to change and wake us up? I'll
Diane: tell you right up straight why I feel like I did. I was. So unaware that there was more than just the physical reality and the suffering that I was feeling.
I didn't learn it, didn't know it firsthand. In hindsight, I had some experiences that now I would call spiritual through [00:20:00] dreams and also like when I was young and it was 10 years old, as an example would be. We lived in North Carolina at the time and I went to go to sleep at night and there was a shadow on my wall that looked like Jesus's head.
I'm just going to say it like it is. This is 10 years old and there's Jesus on my wall, right? A shadow. And I'm a scientist's daughter, so I go around the room and start to block all the light sources that could be making this shadow of Jesus's head on the wall by my bed, right? I'm like, oh, it's just light.
I'm already knowing it's just light, and shadows and things like that. But whatever I blocked, the little nightlight, the window, the whatever, this shadow image of Jesus's head on the wall didn't go away. So it scared me because I was like, what's happening? I don't understand. No conscious mind understanding at 10 years old.
And so I was afraid because conscious mind fears what it doesn't understand. And I'm a little kid and I don't know what's going on. So I get into bed and I had some Sunday school. So all I knew was I should probably [00:21:00] pray. And then I was like, what do I pray? I don't know any prayers. And then I was like, no, I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord, my soul to keep. And then I, the next line was, and if I should dock before I wake, I was like, that's so mean that's horrifying to me. Everything was hitting me in a weird way that night anyway. And I just, so I was just like, okay. Alright, it could be worse than Jesus on my wall. Like I was in fear, but I was like, how bad could it be?
It's Jesus. He's on my wall. Okay, just go to sleep, Diane. So I went to sleep. In hindsight, that was like an introduction to spirit realm. Spirit can do anything and they'll do what's right for us. We'll have the experience that's best for us and we can trust that. We often don't know it till later.
It might be scary at first, but when we lay it, it causes us to seek. So that was an introduction to spirituality, but I didn't know it back then. There were dreams that I had, et cetera, but crisis comes for me. I understand this, probably it's the way it is for [00:22:00] everyone. It had to come loud and hard and abruptly because I was so off track that, this is what I learned in my QHHT session too, I was so off track for whatever my mission was on earth, which I know now, but from QHHT and also other things that I did a little before that.
But I was this is what I learned in QHHT. They said that my guides. I was lost. They actually said in a session, not my wording that I would use normally, but they said I was lost and my guides had to tap in to this plane and find me. Cause I was so lost and they gave me just enough information.
To wake up and get on track, but not too much information. They weren't going to spill the beans and say, Oh, you have all of us guys loving you and directing you while you're in the body. They gave me just enough to start seeking. And that's how I think it works. If you have to go to crisis. Then you're going to get just enough [00:23:00] information to be curious what happened.
You're going to have weird experiences, maybe, which I did, that you're going to go, I don't know what that is, but I can't sleep or rest until I find out. And that begins the journey of seeking. And that started at 18 years old for me. And then it became. First I had to get myself together. I needed help.
That happened and then I got busy studying. I got the information I was here to help people help themselves. So I started understanding what I was supposed to do with my life. I was taking night classes. I would study world religion, spirituality. That was when I was like, what is the one thing we all believe in?
And what I ultimately figured out for me was Everyone all around the world, with all their traditions, believes there's something higher than us. There is something that guides us. It's called by many names, and to me now, today, that the names don't matter at all. It's just that there's a higher power, there's a higher love, whatever people are comfortable with, that is guiding all of us, and no one is left out.
And if we want to [00:24:00] find out about that connection, we can. There's many paths to the same address. It's the wording that's coming to mind,
Todd: so I agree.
Diane: Yeah. Yeah.
Todd: So I love that. It feels like the crisis that we experience. And what you said is you weren't happy being on earth with everything else that was going on.
Why is it so hard here? Crisis happens to in our events and our conditions and our circumstances, I think to help us see that the answers don't lie. In the world, in the 3d world of conditions and circumstances, it has to become so unbearable that you say there has to be another way. There has to be another answer.
There has to be another solution. And that's where you start seeking for something that you don't have any physical evidence for. You have to do away with the outside world to such an extent that it forces you into the unknown, into growth, into what it is [00:25:00] you want, into something else.
And. If it's not so miserable, then you are just complacent and just continue to exist. And I, I talk with people who want to work with me or want to change their life or whatever it is, go after their dreams and things just aren't bad enough yet for them to make the jump. And the unfortunate thing is I sometimes have conversations with those clients a year later or those prospects.
A year later, things have gotten more difficult for them, but they're still holding on and they're not ready to just let go and see what else is out there yet. And that pattern continues until people are ready to break and go, I'm going to do something else. I'm sure you have probably stories from people you've worked with that have similar experiences, but that's the pattern I see.
And so it's interesting that you brought it up right at the beginning. Yeah, when I joined PGI and I started work with Bob in fact I hired a coach and worked with a coach through the thinking and results program before joining [00:26:00] PGI. It was crisis that led to that. My wife was diagnosed, I don't know that you know this about me, so I'll just share it here.
Yeah. My wife was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2015. Um, It wasn't life threatening but it was it was something she had to go into surgery for within 24 hours. So it wasn't cancer but it was a tumor like, and that changed everything right there in that moment. But when I look back, it was years before my best friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer and I was left like, I was working at my government job earning 35, 000 a year.
My best friend was dying, who quit his job at a social services agency, went to law school to try and make the most of his life that was left. And I was left in my default mode, just doing the same thing and not chasing my dreams. And I thought, oh, how can he? Who's someone who's dying, do something so dramatic and here I am perfectly capable.
Why am [00:27:00] I stuck? It was a few years later that when my wife was diagnosed, then the message was even clearer to me. If you don't do something, something else might happen. That led me on this journey. Thinking and results changed my life, helped me quit my job, start career coaching for myself.
I thought the answers are all in what Bob teaches in spirit and our goals and expressing that. And joining PGI sounded a lot like going to see Dolores Cannon for me. I've described it as, like I was holding on to the riverbank and I was afraid of drowning, but I had to let go and let the river of life take me where it was going.
And that's when the magical stuff happens. But, and all of that sounds great for everybody that's listening. It doesn't mean that that's easy, even though the red carpets it's, it's hard, right? So tell me like what, even though you're following your passion, you're feeling more aligned, more alive, you're still encountering challenges, right?
What does that part of your journey look like?
Diane: Oh, sure.
I, [00:28:00] it's so true. I'll tell you, it's one story that kind of explains it to me and that is that So because of the changes that I was going through with this work and because of my passion being lit, like my flame was lit with this work. So I was on fire in that way, in terms of being sparked.
There was nothing stopping me. I was going to, this was green light city for me. I'm going, I'm doing this. And it didn't really feel good. I don't think to my, Now ex husband and so I changed so radically so fast and I knew it was my path and I knew I had to be like that that the marriage broke down to, and so I say it like this in October of 2014.
I'd been doing this for about three years at that point in October of 2014. Shoot. So Dolores Cannon died. And that was a shock to all of us. But in that month, my husband and I, at the time we're planning on divorcing. And we had our [00:29:00] house on the market. And so we were, I was ending my marriage, Dolores died.
I knew I had to find a place for my son and myself, and I wanted to have a house for my son and myself. So I was looking into getting a mortgage approval and I had gotten that done. I was trying to figure out where to go. I didn't know where to go. My life was in upheaval. And I got the mortgage approval, and then my full time occupational therapy job called and said they didn't, I don't know what to tell you, but we don't have enough hours for you.
What do you want to do? And I was like Okay, and I love this work so much I jumped in fully and I said to them, what are my options? And they said you could go part time, which I wish I had taken, but whatever, or you can go per diem, which is just as needed. And I was like, I'm committed. I'll go per diem.
Okay, so I've now ended the marriage. The full time job is gone and Dolores died and we're selling the house. I don't know where I'm going to be in October of 2014. It was like, I say it now, [00:30:00] my life as I knew it ended and
I started over and I got a house and I made enough money on the sale of our house that I could live for a while and get it together. My, my son had a home. I started building my practice from scratch. I was now full time, my own business person. I didn't really have training for being in business for myself.
I had the leaf though. It was when I got to this house that, okay. So the next couple of years were about growing, but also about falling apart. I fell apart and had to reassemble myself because everything was done and I started over. It wasn't easy. I spent a lot of time crying. This is the really the truth of it.
I wanted the change. I never regretted it. Was it hard? Yeah, you betcha. It was gut wrenching, heart wrenching soul wrenching. It was hard. I was leveled and took a little bit to get on my feet, but see the universe provides. I had enough profit from the sale of the house that I could get it together and [00:31:00] Take it easy for a minute.
Work on me. What that grew into was finding Bob Proctor too. Wow. I was getting on my feet, but I realized I could do anything if I worked for other people. I always was very much in service. So tell me what to do. Work weekends, work nice, whatever. Come in and do an eval whatever you need. I can do that.
I'm in service. To help people here. So yes, I'll do it, whatever you want. And you'll give me some kind of paycheck at the end of the week. Okay, fine. All right, great. On all set. I'll live within my means. What happened when I didn't have that job with benefits and everything, I realized that I could do anything for other people.
But I couldn't do it for me. And that's where the growth began. And that's when I found Bob Proctor. And that's when I worked with a coach. Monica to Marin was just amazing for me. And that was my first time working with a coach. I, Obviously worked with her for a little while and did some hardcore self esteem work, really.
She was great. I [00:32:00] can't say enough about her. And then she was the one that said, I think you just need to go to the Matrix. And then we talked details and I was like, what? I don't know. But I said yes. Okay. It was a big stretch for me. But I knew she was right and I knew it was going to change my life.
And the funny thing is, Bob Proctor's information really resonates with what everything Dolores Cannon found and about the higher self, everything's frequency and vibration, we're working with this loving universe, right? In the Bob Proctor seminar. He starts talking about frequency and the levels and everything, and I am texting Julia Cannon.
OMG, I'm at a Bob Proctor seminar. He's talking about the higher self. He's talking about the SC and how it's levels and layers. I'm like, he's saying the same stuff you say and you draw in your classes. It was so powerfully connected. The same information said from different people in different ways.
Validating that everybody's getting infused with these similar messages from the higher self, from spirit, and [00:33:00] whether or not you act on it is the only difference, really. And if you act on it and it resonates with you, then you want to teach and you want to share. And you're going to help a lot of people.
It helped me. And that's where I met you. So it wasn't easy. No. And yet I would never change it. Yeah. And even now you can see there's emotion to some of that, the difficult things.
Todd: Yeah, and I just want to recognize you for that for bringing your heart to bear because I do the same thing I had my class, last week with my clients was really emotional talking about experiences that You want to have life is all about those experiences and who do you want to share those experience with?
I couldn't help but be emotional and so I have that gift to You create space and allow that. So I just love you stepping into that and sharing because I think people need to understand that the I don't know if it's Bob that says it or who the cost of your new life is your old one, and that can be exciting.
And that is. Most [00:34:00] likely traumatic and scary but with the power of a vision or a purpose or that fire, that desire inside of you, you don't need to be afraid of what that desire burns up or burns down as the case may be the universe does provide 100 percent and that experience of when you take one step, the next step appears.
That only happens when you've burned your bridges, when you've committed, when you've said, I'm going here no matter what. And so that just reaffirms that as well.
Diane: When you let go of the riverbank, you go with the flow and the flow feeds you.
Todd: Yeah, it absolutely does. And everything that you want is downstream anyways.
That's an Abraham Hicks trait teaching, right? Yeah, it's all downstream. Just put up the oars and stop fighting the resistance in your life and start going the direction that everything is going, you'll be so much happier. It might be hard. It might be difficult. There's sacrifices, but that's all worth it.
I'm curious [00:35:00] what is there anything that you, there has to be several things or something that you got from Bob that you are still practicing or that brought you to where you're at, or what was the thing that Bob gave you that I'm not saying Dolores didn't have, but what was it that Bob gave you that you needed?
Diane: I'm going to say nuts and bolts comes to mind right now. Like he was such a good person for giving you the nuts and bolts of it. And he did like to say about reverse engineering something so you could teach it to someone else. Dolores gave me the technique. Dolores gave the wisdom that came from all of her sessions and all of her books and all of her teaching shared that wisdom.
So I inherited that wisdom when I went to her class and obviously I'm still. Aligning with that, but it's a funny story where one thing that really hit home for me at that seminar, many things did, but one thing that I realized it really brought up my stuff was when Bob said, we're going to do an exercise and I'm going to ask you a question and then it's, what do you want?
And I'm telling you, I had an ice in [00:36:00] the veins moment. What do I want? I'm here in service. I'm about helping other people get their dreams. I don't think of myself. That was also like part of my. Conditioning, don't ever think of yourself, right? No, you're here to just make other people happy. And I had that moment.
That was something so simple was so powerful for me, because I think a lot of us have that conditioning, unconscious conditioning, deep seated programming. When he said, what do you want? I was just, I panicked for a minute. Cause I was like, I don't know, nobody's ever asked me what do you want like he did that day, right?
So that was so powerful and in a group we had to focus on and we did have to, we had to do it. We had to do the exercise and it forced me to go into me again. That's always out here helping other people way outside of myself. That brought me home and I had to have some feelings of having an impoverished idea too.
I felt very poor [00:37:00] in my ability to know myself, or what I wanted, or even to think of what I wanted and desires is something that was okay because it didn't feel okay. Felt desirous, felt. Bad to me like desire or something, right? Yeah
Speaker 17: which is so weird especially the conflict here, right?
Todd: Of the impoverished idea of what you can have the concern of being selfish. That's really what it is. Oh, we shouldn't be selfish. That's bad. If there's something I want for myself, I'm taking it from some somebody else. There's all that. But the irony is this is that an a six day event that cost 15, 000 that you wouldn't spend on yourself.
Unless you really believed you'd do it right. So there's, it's so amazing how we can have behavior in one direction, but still have our programming and conditioning that is so locked up that that it prevents us from growing, prevents us from having happiness. Really, that controls our lives and that [00:38:00] ice water in the veins moment.
Boy, I hope listeners have those experiences in their life of coming face to face with their programming and conditioning with the spiritual potential that you have and the programming conditioning that makes it impossible unless you deal with it. That's really what you have. You have desire and you've got the conflict of the programming that will not allow the desire unless you resolve it.
Diane: Right. So that was powerful in that meeting and that matrix seminar. And there were just so many things that he said, first of all, I have to say, I loved it when Bob during that matrix conference, I guess we could call it, I loved it when he went up to, I can't remember the gentleman's name, but it, anyway, you might remember he goes up to people in the audience, in the group.
He puts his hand over them or just checks in with them and he starts reading them like a book. And I was just so happy because I, with having Dolores Cannon stuff and knowing we're connected to our higher self and I thought this was going [00:39:00] to be a meeting for business people and I was going to learn about business.
And I thought that was very separate from what I was doing. And I was like, I'm probably going to meet a lot of very businessy people. And so I'll learn the business stuff, but there won't be anything magical or woo, because that's not what business people do. That was my headset. And when Bob.
Started reading that gentleman and he said, how am I doing? And the guy's yep. He's reading him like a book. Like you would go to a channel or a psychic, right?
Speaker 20: And he's,
Diane: he's knowing who that person is. I was so happy in that moment to see that my worlds were emerging. I was getting the idea that anyone who knows themselves, body, mind, spirit, complex, I call it.
Is going to be teaching similar things because it's a fusion. All the aspects of the being are at one with themselves, and when we are at one with ourselves, we are at one with the source, or the universe, or whatever word you call it. Being at one, being in our core [00:40:00] element, our core, our center, our energy self, we have all the attributes we need, and we're using them all in a balanced and harmonious way.
Bob demonstrated that he's using his conscious mind. He's using his intuitive imagination mind. He's using his heart front and center. And to me, that is what I call firing on all cylinders when we open up and we don't put down our conscious mind or our program. And we see it as we have tools that helped us to live life on earth and our families and our systems and our communities.
These are all good things. But when they're overused and the other parts of us are underused, we're out of balance. So when we fire on all cylinders, we're using our left brain, critical thinking, analytical thinking, programming, we're using it. We're using our imagination, our intuition, our creativity in a balanced way, and we're using our heart, compassion, fully, in a balanced way, too.
We literally are in a field, a [00:41:00] harmonious field, energetic field, creating a frequency that attracts everything in the balance and harmony that we want to. We become this generator that attracts everything. Everything that our soul wants, in a way he was really good at showing.
Todd: And that's what, that's what this podcast is about is using all of those tools.
And that's what my coaching is about. And there, there comes a time where sometimes we need something more than just these analytical tools or the consciousness when we need that thing that launches us up to that next level. And for me, having a QHHT session was one of those things that I could learn as much as I could, but there was a gap between what was theory or what I felt and what I knew.
And it closed the gap in big ways for me. I think it's a good I think it's a good time to maybe say what the heck is Q. H. H. T. What does that mean? Who's this Dolores cannon? Woman? [00:42:00] What does she teach? What's this technique? Tell however, as general or and as much detail as you have.
What's this all about?
Diane: I love it. So Dolores cannon is considered a pioneer in the field of past life regression because of the work that she did started with her husband. He was an amateur hypnotist. We could say, and he helped people with habits and patterns like doctors would send people to them.
This woman has nervous eating this, this has smoking, blah, blah, blah, and they would practice and try to help the person to give up those habits that weren't working. So she was learning it. Okay. As a sidekick and a partner to her husband, but then she needed to raise her children and raise her kids and do her family thing.
And so she got away from it for a little while, but many things happened. And when she, her kids were raised, she decided that she loved it and she wanted to go back to working with that. So she started this, I want to say it was probably in the sixties or. 70s, 1979, I think is [00:43:00] when she started coming back and getting really on board with doing sessions.
And so she and her husband stumbled upon past lives. They didn't really know what it was, but again, they just kept, they were curious. They stayed objective and neutral. And they just asked a lot of questions when somebody was in that deeply relaxed state of what we call hypnosis. So they, they stumbled upon past lives and then.
Later in her learning, she stumbled upon this part of the person that could do the healing that we now call the subconscious in this work. She just labeled it that because it's a neutral term. So not only were people accessing their history before this life. and other important things that they needed to see about themselves that they haven't just lived this one life, they were also accessing innate healing abilities.
Like they could heal themselves from the inside out with the help of this higher self part of themselves. So that was a surprise to her. And again, she just stayed neutral and curious. And she was practicing this and learning this for about 45 or so years. And She's before she [00:44:00] figured out that she could probably, or wanted, I think she was told by her higher self or the higher self in a client session that she was supposed to teach this to other people and she wasn't sure that she could but she did figure it out.
She really took this seriously in terms of caring for her clients. She wasn't sure she could teach people how to do this. This was her heart project, her soul project on this planet. And she took her a long time to figure out how to create this to be the way it is today. So she was very careful and reluctant to teach it.
And she finally decided to start teaching it in 2002. That's when she first came. Online with teaching it as a technique. And she did it because she knew it was helping people. She wanted people to be able to know themselves and their connection with their own source of all knowing with inside, we could say that.
So she did find that the students, her students were getting the same results that she had and she was very happy about that. And I will say it like this. She [00:45:00] really wanted us to learn it like she taught us. And she was very clear about, she said this at the end of my level one class. She said, if you do this work exactly as I teach you.
You will get the same results I get and the higher self will work with you Pretty much like it worked with her and you will get these amazing results. People will be healing themselves She cautioned, don't ever think it's you that's doing the healing. She said, the minute you think it's you that's doing the healing, conscious mind takes over.
Ego, she called that Mr. Stupid, takes over. She said it's the stupidest part of us, really. Sorry, but it is, it's limited.
Speaker 20: She said the minute
Diane: you think it's you doing the healing, Mr. Stupid takes over and you're sunk. The technique's not going to work. She was super clear about this. And what I understand now is that she worked with a team of higher energy.
that helped her to create this, and she did what felt right to her. So she was being guided in the creation of the work, and then when she taught it, she was teaching us. You don't [00:46:00] understand. If you do the work like I teach you, then this whole energetic momentum that works with me and helps me is gonna do the same for you because you're in alignment with my teachings and you're Of a pure heart or whatever so That's how dolores cannon came on the scene and what she did was she wrote books about everything She was learning in the sessions and she was actually quite an amazing woman I don't know how she did everything she did But she did it because I think she was fueled by this passion soul mission that she was on But she was an amazing person.
And A joking story in my, one of my trainings with her, I was blown away by how do you do sessions, teach classes, travel around the world, teach all these, go to different countries. How do you do it? And I, the way I formulated a question was, do you have a boyfriend or a husband? I said I'm thinking, how do you have the husband wife duties too?
Do you have, how do you do this with all on your plate? So I just asked her, do you have a boyfriend or something? And she looked at me and she said, That's all behind me now. So I thought, okay, cause [00:47:00] I'm taking notes. I'm like, how does she do the focus? How does she turn out the books? How does she do everything she's doing?
I need to reverse engineer it. Cause I want to do this. I want to do whatever she's doing. I'm in. So basically she had superpowers, I think, for focus. And manifesting what she came to do, but she was writing these books and all of the books were literally information coming from higher selves, from all of our clients, from around the world.
Some of them saying the same things where they never, the people didn't know each other. They weren't even in the same country. And this wisdom was. And by the way, Dolores books are amazing. So many different things to talk about. But that's the story of Dolores, how she got started. And yet, when I started taking classes in 2011, we had a pretty good group.
She was starting to get momentum. People were hearing about it through the books. Maybe 50 or so people in the classes. By the time she passed away, maybe the classes were getting up to 100, 150. So we, I saw the growth in [00:48:00] a few years. But what's really starting to help people to learn about her and have access to sessions is this monumental growth that's happened since she passed away.
Since all of us are getting out there and doing sessions and talking about it. And yes, Julia brought on a business partner who understood how to get the messages out Even in a more fruitful way so that more people could have access. So Kaya Wittenberg is working with Julia Cannon now, and he's the one that came in to help her with the business aspect, which has been a wonderful thing.
So nowadays everything has grown so much. The internet is helping. Everyone can learn about Dolores Cannon. It's basically DoloresCannon. com. Or QHHTOfficial. com, you can learn about the work and how she came to be, but it was through blood, sweat and tears, and now we're all reaping the benefit of her work because the internet is helping us to share information and being here today with you is a wonderful thing too.
[00:49:00] You've taken advantage of it. None of us might have even heard of it if she had didn't write her books, if she didn't stay committed, if she didn't, do everything in her power. To stay on point with our mission, so am I answering the question or did I get a little long winded?
Todd: No, I think that's great.
And I think it's also great to realize that our, what we want or our gifts or our talents that we have to share. If we don't share them, then whose lives remain unchanged, that we could be touching, encouraging, helping. Guiding, but also at the same time if you don't do it, someone else will, and the spirit will find a way to work and help people, which is really what's happening with all of these teachers.
There's always a way, but you have to be willing to follow where spirit leads you. Is showing you. You can go. You have to be willing to let go and do that. I also think it's interesting that, um, like Bob Proctor needed Sandy Gallagher to expand his teachings that Dolores [00:50:00] needed somebody eventually to come in after passing with Julia to, The need to be that business mind as well.
You can't create anything lasting without the male and female energies coming together to create something,
Diane: that's well said. Yeah. That's well said. It's a complimentary energy. In whatever form is the right balance to create the work and continue the work. That's lovely that you mentioned that
Todd: So what does qhht stand for and what is a session? Tell me about that
Diane: yeah, so quantum healing hypnosis technique is what qhht stands for and I know, you know because you've had a session but basically it's a full day and the experience is Dolores created it so people that wanted a session could come and spend, we say between four to seven hours in a session, because when you come in, you're going to talk about your life.
So your practitioner knows what your life has been like, basically, so they can ask better questions when you're under, when you're in that deeply [00:51:00] relaxed state called theta brainwave state. And so you're going to chat for a while. And then after that, you do the hypnosis part. And that hypnosis. It's misunderstood, but it's really just essentially a brainwave state of deep relaxation.
It's a natural, safe, organic phase that we're in right before we sleep at night and right before we wake up in the morning. So it's the dream state where the dream images come. And this we do without anybody helping us. So in a session, we just guide the person into that relaxed state with Dolores is beautiful induction that she created.
And then we help them. Instead of letting them fall asleep, I like to say we, we actually just engage them in a conversation, in a dialogue. So I say it's like a long extended daydream. And people can be aware that they're in the room. It's not, hypnosis isn't like amnesia. It's not like you're out cold.
It's something, if you need to be, you will, but mostly people are aware. I say that they're aware they're in the room. They just don't care they're in the room because they're tuning [00:52:00] inward to their inner self and having inner vision and, Inner information and wisdom coming to them. So it's a lovely process, lasts a full day.
People get information about whatever their higher self feels is appropriate for them. We don't lead them to a certain life or anything. That's another story. People can come to explore a certain life if they want to but that's not how QHHT typically works. We just let the higher self show the person something and we just say tell me all about it And then we ask questions to help them get more information.
So we work in tandem with the client to get them more information That's it's guiding them into the place that we all have inside of us and then the healing part It's just We could talk about that all day too. The healing, accessing inner healing is an incredible part of this work that she didn't figure out until later, this didn't come on board for Dolores until later.
But when we asked for the higher self to do a body scan and find what area in the body needs healing, that is amazing to [00:53:00] witness. We ask about basically any kind of ailments that people come with. Dis ease in the body. Know it or not, we create it. We create everything just to learn. No judgment, no blame.
That's what I love about this work. No judgment. It's just, let's be like curious children. If I create a dis ease in my body, because I need to learn something from it, and I'm not getting the message without it growing into a dis ease, then let the higher self tell you What is there to learn from this?
And after you learn, you don't need it anymore. We create to learn. If the higher self tells you why you created it, now you've learned. Do you have to have the thing? No. Then we ask for the healing. Higher self is usually we're on it, doing it now. Or if they say no, it might be because we'll be curious.
We'll ask questions. Why is it no? Maybe this person contracted to take on a dis ease to learn certain life lessons that they could never learn without that challenge. So we learn about soul agreements that we make because we want to grow in certain ways when we come into [00:54:00] this life. It's amazing.
So the session is relaxing, You chat, you have the hypnosis, which is super relaxing. Afterwards, we talk about what came through that part of the session. The hypnosis is recorded, so we give you the recording afterwards. And it is so important to listen to that recording over and over again to integrate the wisdom.
And so I know we talked about speaking about integration. I can't say enough about listening to the recording. You have a question?
Todd: Yeah. I need to I need to, it's been a while since I've listened to mine and I need to listen to it. There's some resistance to that. I want to get into that in a second, but let me ask, let's talk.
We've, you've talked about other beings. You've talked about energy and frequency. You've talked about past life. You've talked about healing from within of whatever disease ailment you're struggling with.
What words, disease. Would you have for someone who's a skeptic, who maybe believes in, in, in 75 percent of what we're talking about and just as resistant with that last 25 [00:55:00] because I think that's what growth is about. Growth is about stepping into the unknown and learning something new and finding a way to bring that into your current understanding of what life is all about.
And we have a lot of people shouting from the rooftops of saying, with certainty, this is only what reality is and anything beyond this is wrong or deceptive or whatever. What would you say to the skeptics who say I don't believe in past lives. I don't believe in frequency of vibration. I don't believe in these healings.
Diane: I would say that's fine. That's fine. That's not a problem. I really would. It's fine. And in that case, if they wanted to come for a session, I would just say, why don't we just be curious and see what happens? You don't have to believe in any of this. Let's just be curious and see what happens.
Have an experience and, We don't know what it'll be, but let's just have fun. And then that just, it's not a problem. So if it's not a problem, there's nothing to resist.
Speaker 17: And I think that actually, I want to share this when my, when because I know, and I haven't read any of Dolores's books. I [00:56:00] need to Rob, our mutual friend shared a couple of things.
Todd: There was a quote that Star Wars is real. I'm a big Star Wars fan. So that's in the book and stuff. Really want to, but there's a consistency of messaging, right? Like you, you hinted at these different people around the world, people that weren't in the same room, start saying the same things over and over again.
And it paints this very clear picture. There was this experience that we had my wife who did have that brain tumor removed within 24 hours of diagnosis. It was the size of a lemon, by the way between her cerebellum and her brain stem. Unbelievable.
Diane: Okay. That's a really, a really interesting spot too, okay, which
Todd: which was, the cerebellum does a lot of emotional processing and things like that.
And she always had these these fears of being emotionally vulnerable. And so what does she do? She builds a wall around it. She sees this in hindsight now But the funniest or the most interesting part was after brain surgery, they bring people out of the anesthesia and she's in her [00:57:00] recovery and the nurses were all with this male nurse that was saying she's going to be rambling like crazy.
Don't pay any attention. Everybody rambles like crazy coming out. Of the anesthesia and my wife hears that and says if we're all talking like this Maybe you guys should be paying attention to what we're saying and that got me shut up and listening to what she was saying. What do you have to say about that all of these experiences where people are saying the same thing?
What does that mean?
Diane: If you look it means we're all connected to the same source And the source is talking to all of us and whoever can listen and get quiet and hear inwardly We'll get messages And many of them will be helpful to share. And I see it as it's our natural innate wiring. We are, and this is something I learned from my spiritual teacher, I learned that we are actually wired to be telepathic and psychic.
It has to do with the pineal gland and all the way that we are wired. And I had an old healer once tell me we're transmitters and we are receivers. Energetically, we're transmitting and receiving [00:58:00] energy, non physical all the time, like thought waves and emotions, everything is energy and frequency, right?
So Dolores used to say it like this, and she, I think it's a good example. She would say, why is it that oftentimes when there's an invention, a major invention for humanities growth, that you'll have these people on opposite sides of the world before internet we'll say, that would be infused with the ideology of like maybe the telephone airplane, right?
Anything like that a major leap in our knowledge and our evolution as humans Maybe the these people come up with the same idea on Opposite sides of the world. They have not communicated and they fight for patents usually too because I did it first I did it first, but she said that when humanity is ready This higher self the source god, whatever you want to call it is fine will infuse the knowledge into humanity's awareness consciousness whoever is high like [00:59:00] highly sensitive or attuned to their higher consciousness will pick up the idea and run with it.
So whoever's thinking with their higher powers, we higher, abilities we could say and awareness, They will pick up the infused idea where, when humanity's ready, we'll be given more. And they can either choose to create it or not. Most of the time you get multiple people creating it. Why?
Because it's time for it to be created. They, the higher self doesn't really care. Source doesn't care who creates it. They don't have, source doesn't have an ego like we do. We care. Humans fight over patents and things like that, but the point is, the only thing that matters is that it gets to humanity to help us evolve, right?
So Dolores explained it like that. When we reach a level of consciousness that allows us to use more of these Resources tools responsibly is what I want to say. We're supposed to use them responsibly. Then we'll get the idea and people will create it and it will advance humanity. The internet, this is a [01:00:00] big deal.
That's changed life on earth for us in terms of connecting with people. We don't really have the chance to meet before the internet. So basically she talked about atomic energy too, and she said that was never supposed to be used for warfare. So you see that the information was coming into humanity got picked up, but then it was used in improperly.
It was supposed to be used for energy source for humans and what we did, because. whoever the dominant beings were on the planet or dominant organizations that got wind of this information chose to use it for warfare to destroy. Okay. I understand the whole thing works out the way it works out.
And I have no problem now at this point in my evolution, understanding how certain things just happen. And there are lessons to be learned, but she did say that it's like the higher consciousness or higher beings or however you want to conceptualize it. When the atomic bomb stuff was getting developed, she said it was like the higher ups were saying, [01:01:00] Oh look, Oh, no, the children got ahold of the matches.
We were like little kids with matches. We didn't have the. Responsibility part in alignment. You could say it like that. She said it better, but it's basically that we're getting information all the time, but are we listening? And are we able to comprehend it and use it? Yeah,
Todd: absolutely. That's a beautiful example, right?
All and actually in talking about the ideas of people, because I think the atomic bomb is just a great example that the theory, the ideas the science behind it was neutral. Actually, it was life giving. Even for those investigating it and they were empowered by it. I'm thinking of the movie Oppenheimer that just came out this last summer that I loved this peering into the quantum world and what is there what possibility is there is exciting and life giving.
And the conditioning, the programming, the fear based thinking of collective. People right when people get together, they [01:02:00] magnify whatever energy they have, right? So they magnify the fear based energy and then you can take something that could be beautiful and life giving use it for destructive purposes But we do that in our own lives All of the time we misunderstand or we have some awareness and we use it for our advantage rather than for the growth of all.
And you said something about as long as we use it appropriately, I've, I feel like there's one basic law. That we have as humanity and that's the law of increasing life. Whatever we do, we give more for everyone and everybody grows as long as we don't take away. The book, the science of getting rich really taught that to me.
And. I love what you said about saying, Hey, we all we're all connected. I have times where my clients are masterminding and someone's talking about their problem and two or three people are all thinking the exact same solution at the same time. And they all raise their hands. And I don't know, I was going to say what she said.
I was going to say what he said, that [01:03:00] shows that. The idea is there, the energy is there, the guidance is there for all of us. And you're right, the question is, are we tapped in and listening and are we using that guidance to help all grow? That's what's so important. That's like the key morality, I think of all spiritual teachings.
Diane: Yeah, I say it like this, like a lot of us do, to say it like this with the spiritual practices, it's let it be for the highest and greatest good of one and all. It's the, you could say, go back to Egypt, the law of one, Ra, the sun god Ra, it was all about the law of one. There's like big teachings online about this, but it's how to keep ourselves as humans balanced.
We have the power to create or destroy somewhat like what we understand of god like powers. The creator and the destroyer are one in balance and you need both but you need to have higher discernment Like god like awareness to use these powers we're like little kids still sometimes we don't get that balance, right?
Thank god. We don't have the full powers of everything but like are being asked to [01:04:00] step up in our evolution and become more conscientious and to be aware of our power and use it for good. Yeah, it's as simple as that, isn't it? Use it for good. Not to destroy. So what?
You got it. You can destroy something, but what the heck? What if,
Speaker 17: what? But sometimes we need to break something to learn to be careful too, right?
Diane: Good good. Yeah. Touche. I
Speaker 17: think I was, Oh, it might've been five years old, Christmas, five years old. I got a bunch of Star Wars toys and an X wing.
Todd: And I remember going out that afternoon playing outside in my backyard in Arizona, and I wanted to see the X wing fly. And I threw it and it broke the wing off. And I, Learned a valuable lesson. I should have gone in and told my parents and maybe I would have gotten a new accent, but I was embarrassed and ashamed again, more lessons to learn from breaking something.
But you learn those lessons and you move forward. College you is, I'd hate to see humanity break itself or the earth to have to learn that lesson, but [01:05:00] we're doing that in microcosms a little bit. We've been told the good news is we've been told that humanity has been evolving for a long time and there have been, highs and lows in our evolution.
Diane: But this time we've got it, we're going to make it and we're going to, grow into a better version of ourselves as a collective. So it's already been done in some level. We're just growing into it in the physical. So that's the good news. I think we're okay. We're going to make it this time. Like we're not going to implode this time.
We've done that before though. Yeah. The good news is
Speaker 17: it's that crisis. It's, this is that crisis that we need on a personal level in order to move towards something higher and greater. And we again, have to do that on a collective level to move further. That was part of, I remember from my session Erica, it wasn't with you.
Todd: It was somebody else that you had recommended. Had asked because it was, I think, in the middle of the pandemic yeah, or it was, yeah, it was January of 2021. So maybe not the middle, we've been into it for a year, but the, she asked the question, why is all [01:06:00] this happening? Because it can't continue the way that it was, something has to happen to wake people up.
And I think that's every sort of crisis individually or collectively. Wakes people up at some point and that's the reason for them for some, for some, yeah,
Diane: was that the information that came through you in your session? She asked the question and that came through you. How did that feel when it came through you?
Todd: It was so certain and so matter of fact, and unemotional. It was non critical. It was non judgmental. It was just matter of fact, and it was so clear from a higher perspective. Yeah, neutral, very neutral. But that new kind of neutrality Brought like a sense of relief to it. There was a calming relief to it.
So we don't need to be super positive and optimistic. I think it's about finding that neutrality where you can choose what you would like to do with that [01:07:00] information. That neutrality was such a breath of fresh air.
Diane: I love what you're saying right now, because things, we always are learning, how are we supposed to interpret this information?
There's something now called toxic positivity because it's like the pendulum swings both ways, it's really like a lovely thing to be in what Dolores said. I love it. Not no judgment, no blame. It's, we create to learn no judgment, no blame. It's neutral. I really imagine that we want to aim for neutrality because it's wisdom to it's you can be in a balanced way about.
You can be balanced and get balanced information if you're sitting with it without judgment. Judgment causes the pendulum to swing a lot and then division happens and all this other stuff, but I love that you felt that because you do feel the energy that's coming through from your own higher self in a session and it feels good.
Todd: I remember I felt like physically battling with the energies and frequencies that I was, my legs were shaking a lot. I was battling against [01:08:00] that energy and the guidance through me was that were, there's so much limitation that was in my body. That was in my cells and my in my muscles and my energy that I was having a hard time adjusting to it.
And we're, they said for, we're removing that limitation and getting you used to it. It was, that was really interesting. Yeah. But we're jumping ahead a little bit. I want to say this because no, it's good. This is a great conversation. Cause I got connected. To you through through Rob and Gary, that's the Journeyman Collective.
They do they, they do shamanistic retreats and experiences for people looking to connect again with their higher self and with Source. And I had reached out to Rob after being in a low point. And saying, I, I have a friend who had just passed away and I was headed to a funeral in Arizona and that's where I grew up.
I'm in Utah now, but I was asking like, for some sort of growth experience, is, do they know [01:09:00] somebody like maybe in Sedona? I could go up over the weekend. In Sedona and have my own little retreat or something. And they came back and said, I think you might need a QHHT session. Let me reach out to Diane.
I'm like, Oh my gosh, Diane. I haven't thought of her in a little while. Recognize the name. And you recommended Erica and I reached out to Erica and it was within like a week's notice. And she volunteered to take me on a Saturday. She's Oh, this guy needs a session. I can feel it. And she asked me this, she says, bring 10 questions you'd like to have answers from your higher self.
And I had ice water in my veins with that question as well. There was so much resistance and fear to that. Why do we fear answers from our higher self?
Diane: I'll tell you what comes right in top of my mind, which is usually our higher self. We think the higher self is going to treat us like humans treat us with judgment, with blame.
With programming, because we know that from our upbringings, and the higher self is [01:10:00] unconditional love, and we don't know that as well, as we know judgment. And the higher self is basically the most loving part of us. It's only going to give us what is best for us, and it will never give us anything other than that.
And yet we're so unfamiliar with what it feels like to be loved unconditionally that we can't even imagine it, until we actually experience it. I was afraid of what my higher self was going to think of me, because I knew how earthly people thought of me, and there were people that told me that they loved me, but they treated me not like they loved me, so I interpreted, and we all do this, whatever you get, and if you're told it's love, you connect the two together.
Oh, so love hurts? No, not that love. Not the higher love. So I, that is what I've seen in sessions. That's what I've experienced in me. I wouldn't even receive a healing in a session one time because My higher self is telling me, and I'm saying it out my own mouth. It's me speaking, but the information is saying, Oh, [01:11:00] she is not receiving the healing.
My practitioner says, Oh, yeah, why? Oh, it gets sad. It gets sad. The higher self gets sad. Whoops. It gets sad. It says Oh, she does not feel worthy. I burst into tears. Oh my god, I do. I want it. I wouldn't accept. I, the conscious mind, would not let me have healing from my higher self because my programming and my experience in life told me that I was not worthy of being healed.
Whoa. These are wake up calls, right? These are enlightenment moments where we're like, I didn't even know. And I, in my thought at the time in the session was I've been working on self help my whole adult life. How could I possibly still be there? But it's the deep, unconscious programming that's still running the show.
And that's when you, it hits you. And that's when you feel so sad because you know it's all you. It's just stuff you've internalized. You didn't mean to. It just happens on earth. [01:12:00] This is a hard school.
Todd: I want to correct that because it's not you. It's not you. It's the program. Oh,
Diane: right. You're good at this. You're good at this. You must be a coach.
Todd: Maybe. No, really. That's how ingrained it is. Even in the common vernacular to describe an idea that's not you still use you as the example. That's how subconscious this is. When we talk about reprogramming your mind, this is not just, how do I reprogram myself to be a millionaire?
It's how do I get in touch with who I truly am with my true power and learn to express that? Without limitation and the amount of layers of garbage code that's buried, that power is, I don't think we can fathom it. I don't know that even me being in this work since 2016, I don't think I can fathom the level of that conditioning.
Your journey has been longer than mine. And you even still slipped up.
Diane: Oh my God. It's I don't, I think it's this is the infinite journey levels and layers of uncovering. So you couldn't really, you were maybe [01:13:00] experiencing Oh no, what's my higher self going to think of me?
It's like unconscious, but it brings it to conscious level of awareness as we talk about it. And as you had that session, it's to me, that's the uncovering, we're just really uncovering and I'm not sure when it ends or if it ends, because I know the soul is on an infinite journey, so let's just celebrate the wins, right?
Yeah. Who knew we were so programmed? It's just it's so mind boggling. But then once you understand it, you can work with that. You can go to sleep at night and tell your higher self, Oh, okay. I get it now. You want to help me more than I even knew was possible. You're you believe in me more than I do.
Show me a wise one. You can actually ask for more, this is what we're learning. Just before you go to sleep, you're going to go into theta brainwave state. So just ask your guides what you want help with before. Just really simply ask before you go to sleep. That's just a little thing we can all do.
And that'll help us start to be able to understand that we are worthy to receive. And we are connected all the time, no matter whether we think it, we are not, whether we doubt it or not, it's impossible not [01:14:00] to be connected to our higher self because it is our life force energy. If you and I are breathing right now, which I think we are connected.
If we're talking, we're connected. There's one more thing I wanted to say about the funny thing about how you talk to Rob and Gary about. How to get that next step of a QHHT session. Rob and I, and a few of us were in a mastermind group. Rob ran a mastermind group during the pandemic. So there were a few of us that were working with Rob.
The whole time and this idea that, infusion of wisdom comes and you're in the group and you start to get in a groove together, you start to get in a harmonic together. But I wanted to say this. It's like that saying, whenever two or more are gathered in my name, which is, we can say, I don't know if Jesus said that, or if it's a spiritual thing in any culture, but the truth is We're gathering together of a higher mind, the mastermind, Bob set this up.
He has such a great program for that. How to run one. It's the people in the group, but whenever you got to have the people in the group, you're [01:15:00] understanding there's an invisible higher self, if you will, that's joining the meeting. And is with you, the higher self, the source is with you, may the source be with you.
It's all, when you do a mastermind and you're setting an intention to work as a group to develop yourself and heal yourself or grow yourself and learn new things, you're tapping into the universal wisdom intentionally. And from that, Rob and I talked about QHHT, we were all talking about QHHT, and then when you needed him, he then was able to say, oh, QHHT, and then, Diane, who do you know?
You see an invisible network that's way beyond what you're normally thinking you're connected to, and it just opens. And then people get more than they would have gotten if they weren't connected to these groups that are working intentionally on themselves, like your work. We went to the Matrix.
Who knew we'd be meeting up years down the road to talk about the same things in different ways? It's magical, when you [01:16:00] understand how we have a lot more help than we think. So I'm glad.
Speaker 17: And yet we, as human beings, as the human beings, the conditioned human being, part of us.
Speaker 20: Yeah.
Speaker 17: We think we have to do it all on our own, all by ourselves.
Diane: Huh. We do. We, I was taught that. I don't know about you. Be independent. Do it yourself. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's just as if it's better to do it that way.
Speaker 17: And again, that's just an idea that's conditioning, that's programming that for some people is deeper than others. And it's so against is it against?
Todd: It is. I feel like it's so against universal consciousness. And how that works. And that's the contrast of being on Earth. It's the experience we signed up for. The laboratory we came to. That's exactly right. Yeah, it's so funny. There's so many things are coming, popping in and out, and if I don't grab them, they go away.
Diane: I don't know what it was. It flew away, but it's something about that. The polarity here and the way it is here.
Speaker 17: It's life giving ultimately, this [01:17:00] is and Abraham Hicks, very much, channels her guides out to everybody, without the contrast, you wouldn't be able to make better decisions without the contrast, you would never be able to be clear on what you do want without the contrast, you would never be able to tap into higher power to find the solution.
Todd: We have to have that contrast, but the contrast is working for us. Yes. We just don't see it. Yeah. It's clicking again. It was about the false self. The false self is the ego itself. Yeah. But which we're taught to believe is the self. It's not, it's part of us, but it's not all of us. And that just clicked when we were talking before about, we, we're so physically oriented in this dense physical plane that.
Diane: And the physical plane is very, we're taught to be very busy. Very left brain, very much involved with this material world. Yeah. So much so that we get so busy in our thinking minds that even at night time. When people go to sleep, [01:18:00] they have a hard time turning this off. So we're not actually taught, but we're beginning to learn when we're going to beginning to teach this more.
We're beginning to learn that to access our higher self. It's really simple. It's through relaxation and that's as simple as I can make it. So meditation is one thing, the higher self and higher selves all around the world have been saying to clients in sessions. For years now, when we ask, how can they communicate with their higher self more easily after the session is over?
Meditate meditate, all around the world. This is one of the ways that we can work with our own energetic whole self, is quiet. That's all it is, right? So there's a key.
Speaker 17: Yeah, we talk about ease and we talk about flow and all of that. Yet the conscious mind or the way that our world is set up, we have to focus and be forcefully engaged with what we're doing and put all of our energy into it that we don't realize that's our conditioning and our programming that's then [01:19:00] creating the results when the whole idea of letting go is about.
Todd: Pulling back your mind, that conscious mind, pulling back that identity and relaxation, relief, meditation, all of that creates space for what? For answers, higher self, guidance, love, whatever that is. We have to create space for it. You said that. All the way back in the beginning of this interview, I had to create, if you want to do this, you have to create space for it.
We have our minds and our lives so filled up with stuff. We don't have space for anything greater. Yeah. Busy minds prevent us from tapping into our own higher self, yeah. That's that still, quiet voice within that we learn in I, I think it's in the Bible for Christian people.
Diane: It's listen to the still, quiet voices, basically what we're talking about. The higher self, God's self, whatever names people like, it's fine. Yeah.
Todd: You did say something in your answer about why people would be scared to get answers from their higher [01:20:00] self. You say we're afraid our higher self is going to treat us the way that other humans treat us or the way that maybe we treat ourselves.
If we're looking at our higher selves and we know that our mind usually is not a safe place because we're so critical and judgmental of ourselves, we're afraid that judgment comes from God, which in fact, most religions have a very judgmental God as the deity, right? Who's going to cast judgment, which is just such a projection of our own human ego onto something that we don't.
Fully understand I think you nailed it with that because for me, I was worried about the judgment because I'm always judging myself and criticizing and holding myself to a higher unattainable standard that is just impossible to meet. That's why we're told judge not lest ye be judged.
You'll be judged by yourself, but not your higher self. That's different. So many things are popping into my head right now, and that is that I know there's a very good reason why you do that. And a lot of it probably has to do with if you went back into [01:21:00] your early beginnings just messages that you received from the authority figures that guided you and thinking they were teaching you the very best that they knew to help you in the very best way that they could.
Diane: That's all they knew. So it's hand me down learning from other people. And you got a lot of. examples of that. That's, and kids internalize it because they're so wide open and absorbing the, influences of early life for years and years. And we learned this, I think, in Bob Proctor too.
It's just the programming. We absorb a lot as children and then we internalize it, whether it's true or not, we believe it to be and so it becomes part of our psyche, our ego, right? So you
Todd: can use that with every experience we're in.
Diane: Yeah. Yep. It's a template. I call it. It's a template that overlays every, the way we see the world until we deconstruct it, until we stop and take a moment to look at our programs, which ones are working and which ones aren't, or to even know that they're not working.
It's just a process of learning and it's okay. It's just really amazing. I'm like so many thoughts [01:22:00] coming in about how this works and how we're all programmed and we don't know it. I do have a funny story about that process of judgment. Oh, so my spiritual teacher, who I love, it's Mirabai Devi, just because I've talked about her a bit.
I remember when one of the trainings I was in with her, she said it's not judge not lest you be judged. It's judge not because when you judge you put yourself into separation and act like you're not them like no We're all aspects of the divine. We're all aspects of the one but when you when we judge it's like you say Oh, I'm different than you and therefore it allows you to treat that other one worse or something or terribly or in any case There are lots of examples in the world about how that works.
So when we judge, she said, and that just for some reason it hit me as, Oh yeah, that's actually really clarifying it for me. If I judge, then I'm saying I'm not like you, or I don't have the same attributes in me, which is BS. We all are everything, and yet we're taught to, we're taught to [01:23:00] judge. We're taught to say, this one's a bad person, this one's a good person.
And I'm apparently a good person, but no, I don't really like I have the potential. We're infinite potential. We have the potential to be anything we want.
Todd: This brings me right to another point about universal truth, that oneness that connection. And when we judge we're telling a story, right?
We're telling a story about the other person, but we may not be aware. Of what you just said, that we are not that way. If someone else is bad, then I must be good. And so the more that I judge other people as bad, the more that I must be good. But really that creates separation, which is ultimately bad.
Even though we're thinking we're the good guys, we actually become the bad guys 'cause we're the judgmental ones. And that creates that separation from truth and . Yep. So the question I have. Because I think this is another aspect of what caused fear from me in my session initially was do I want to put down the lies [01:24:00] that I'm comfortable with about myself?
Do I really want to embrace that truth? Wow. Because I know there's things I'm thinking or believing that aren't true, but they're my safety blanket, maybe. Yeah. Do I really want to have that stripped away and be confronted with my own power? Which most of the time I would rather not be confronted by my own power.
I'd rather live a smaller life of comfort. What comes to your mind hearing that about maybe the lies that we tell ourselves and maybe being afraid to see it as it really is? Yeah. I do believe we're afraid of our own power. I've had experiences of that myself because it's like, if we have a taste of it and we really touch it and embody it.
Diane: It's frightening to us because we've been so small for so long that we actually get afraid of our own power because it's like, whoa, can I actually ride this tsunami? It feels like a tsunami oh, when you really embody more of your power, it's whoa. And there's a fear of how am I going to be [01:25:00] okay?
And can I really handle this or something like that? I have a funny story that Delores said in my level one class. And it, I just said it the other day to a client. So it's fresh and that is like that fear of, judgment or whatever with the higher self. And in my level one class, this lady, and, Another student in the class was causing a commotion in the audience, right?
And then finally, Dolores really was annoyed with it, and she said, You! Come up here! What is going on with you? And the lady said, Oh, Dolores! I'm so afraid that when I go under, oh, I might find out that I'm a, she got really upset. I'm a mass murderer. I was a mass murderer in a past life or something.
And it was frightening her. And when she said it, I thought, Oh, weird, but I think I might've been feeling afraid of that too. What if I'm a really bad person? What if I see something that tells me I'm other than what I wish I was now, which is, I hope to be a good person, so she was terrified [01:26:00] and she just couldn't get work through it because we were going to probably have experiences of going under and she just was upset.
So Dolores called her up. What is it? I'm afraid I might be a mass murderer when I go under. And Dolores goes, Oh, we've all been mass murderers. Now go sit down. Permission slip to be exactly as you are. That woman changed my life in that moment. Because I was thinking hell and brimstone and like horrifying fear of God stuff too.
Like what if I go under and I'm given this, Oh, you'll be damned, you're going to hell forever. I like making things up now, but there was an, a belief that possibly I was gonna meet this angry God energy or judging You've been a terrible human being. Not true, but I was imagining the worst case scenario.
And this gal volunteered to be the soul that picked up that message that maybe we were all getting and speak on it. And Dolores just basically said, [01:27:00] permission slip to be anything you want. Permission slip to be anything. There is no judgment here. Like literally she said, it's all right. Now go sit down.
I had no idea. I just had no idea. She changed my abs. She changed my perception in the way she handled it. What's the big deal? We've all been everything. We have to be everything. She used to say this. We have to be everything, every aspect of the one. Because how can you really Be aware of this oneness thing.
We're all aspects of the one in truth. We really are all aspects of the one being, having different unique experiences as souls in a body. If we're really going to embrace our oneness, we have to embrace the darkness in us, too. We have to embrace that, I've been the bad guy. I've been the good guy.
If I understand I am also all of it, Then I'm not going to be able to hurt anyone anymore or fight anyone. It's just, I'm going to probably not want to hang out with certain people, but I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna [01:28:00] berate them. I'm not going to judge them. I'm just there, but for the grace of God, go I is how I always think of it.
Like I am that one, but this life I'm incarnating is this one. I am that and that and that. Let's just get a grip on ourselves people. It's really important to not. I don't know We're supposed to grow compassion, right? I think right. Yeah,
Todd: there's a book I've read recently by Donald Miller called hero on a mission really great book about setting up your intentions for your life.
And he talks about the roles that we all play, the victim, the villain, the hero, and later on the guide, maybe for other people. And he talks about understanding that. We've all been the victim in our lives. We've all been the villain at certain states and there are times when we are all the hero and it's about which energy you're allowing to surface most.
And that was really transformative for me as well as realizing that to some people at certain times, I might [01:29:00] be the victim. I might be the villain. And it's a choice of awareness. To step into that hero role and what's the hero for in one person might be perceived as being a villain for somebody else.
And that's all what the mind does. And that creates a little bit more space of nonjudgment and just focusing on what can I do? What, who can I be? How can I choose to behave? What can I embody in this moment? And with that potential, all of our features have. Incredible potential behind it, right?
With that, that one choice. Yep.
Diane: I'm getting an image of a Rolodex, like any moment of time, no matter what the situation, we can just Rolodex to the right personality, right type of style that we need in any given moment, because we have it all within us, we have every aspect of the one, every aspect of self inside of us.
And we can choose to shift in a moment's notice to we can choose to change if we're heading in a trajectory that's not very [01:30:00] nice or whatever we can just in that moment be like, no, I don't want to do this. I want to change right now. It's really
Todd: powerful. And that is that comes from awareness. I don't know if you remember this.
There was a slide that Bob showed. I didn't see it. I think until the matrix where he put up like a little yellow dot and says, that's your level of awareness right now. And what we've done is we've just expanded it. And the doc got a little bit bigger and he kept on imagining. Imagine if that awareness continues to grow until it filled the whole screen, right?
If you had that much awareness, then you can choose and really authentically shift it. Your thoughts, your emotions, your energy, your behaviors into what it is that you want, whatever you're flipping to in that Rolodex, but it really comes down to awareness. And so in your sessions, obviously someone's going to connect with their higher self.
They may have questions, they'll receive answers, they'll receive guidance, but this one event doesn't necessarily change the whole course of your life. We did talk earlier. There's this process of integration. of [01:31:00] taking this experience into your life and building upon it. That's really important. How do you help your clients integrate or what guidance do you give them to help integrate whatever epiphanies they experienced in their session into their daily life?
Diane: Telling you right now, it's the recording. That recording I say is a mini session in digital format. I send mine digitally by internet, but that we are, most of us are using digital recorders. That session is your gold. Every time you listen, it is the sound vibrational frequency of your higher self, which activates all the wisdom in you when you listen.
People don't understand. I think we're only learning the power of the recording too. In the beginning, I would study it a lot. Every time I'd have a facilitated session, I would listen to it afterwards. Every time I had a session, I would listen to it afterwards. And what I found was, if I was having a day where I felt a little low, I would put on my own personal session, listen for a few minutes, and I felt my frequency would elevate.
It's the [01:32:00] sound vibrational frequency of your higher self. How could it not? This is energy. It works on us energetically. So every time we listen to our session, we're getting the healing all over again. We're getting the wisdom activated because we forget, it is theta brainwave state. It's like a dream.
Sometimes we forget the details. You listen to it again, it's like a balloon being blown up. You're just like, whoa, inflated frequency wise every time you listen. And every time you listen, the healing happens again and again. And I've played with this so much so that when I had my own session, then I had a little back issue I wanted healing for.
In the session, I felt a little heat or something. Heat or tingling is sometimes what you feel when the higher self is doing healing work. But when I listen to it after the session, alone in my own space, relaxing, I like to lay down the first time and listen to it through in a very relaxed state. I literally got a chiropractic adjustment.
My, my back arched up off the bed. Nobody's touching me. I'm there by myself. But it was like my higher self. I was so relaxed. I [01:33:00] didn't have to speak. I was very calm. It was like the energy of the session was more powerful than In the set the energy of the recording was more powerful in the healing than it was in the session I'm being taught so I can help other people understand the power of their recording So i'm having these experiences so I can go what the heck just happened and I actually laughed when it happened I'm, like, all right guys because I like my guides.
They're pretty cool. I was like, whoa, that was neat. Didn't know that could happen It's like they're teaching me so I can help my clients and people to understand. We think, Oh, it's just a recording. Like I'm going to listen to, Michael Jackson song over again. No. And maybe it is that powerful with music too.
But I'm just talking about QHHT right now. It is so powerful that you can have better results when you listen to the recording than even when they're like you're in the session. So if that's for integration, I have one word. Recording. It's the recording.
Todd: I, I am going to take your advice to heart. And I'm going to pull out my recording as soon as I can and be listening to that because it [01:34:00] did, what you're saying is so true.
It's the frequency, not so much in terms of it is frequency and vibration, but as far as repetition, the more that you inhabit the energy, the frequency energy of. Your higher self or your dream life or your goal, your intention, whatever you want to create. The more you inhabit that energy, the more everything else flows.
And you know what, there's not a whole lot in the 3d world that. Resonates at that same energetic level as your higher self, as your goals. And if we are not reminding ourselves of that and creating that space for that higher energy to come in, then I guess we'll wait until the next crisis to learn the lesson and then.
No, it's so funny. We have options now, but I will tell you this too. So interesting. Dolores would teach us too in class that. The healing is done at an energetic level. Our core is energy and then we have a [01:35:00] physical body that we inhabit, right? But she would say the healing is done in the session energetically.
Diane: You are healed. You are healed. But our conscious mind and our body are very much a little more dense than our energy grid is. She said the healing is done. You want to remember that, but the recording is how you anchor it into the physical body because it's a little denser. You need repetition to get it to go in to the denser aspects of us, which is physical and mental.
Conscious mind is so programmed. We need repetition. Bob talked about repetition. This is what, the truth of us we're multidimensional beings. We're energy and we're matter, I used to literally say we're spirit and matter. We're an animated box of rocks, is how I jokingly say it, the energy field is healed, but we do need repetition. And that's the recording's job. It really helps us to anchor it, she said, into the physical body.
Todd: Dr. Joe Dispenza in his work talks about making the word flesh, the word becomes flesh, right? [01:36:00] We hear scripturally, right?
It is it's the neural pathways, it's the neurochemical state of our bodies, which is a matter, which is matter. It's a lower. Frequency vibrational energy, because it's physical at this point. And so it takes, it does take time. It takes time for things to manifest physically. Right?
So the energy, the source healing is perfect, but it takes time and intentional repetition to make that energy flesh. And in your experience, the same is true with a result that you want to experience. It takes time. And as soon as you. Pull back on the intention as soon as you pull back on the repetition, then it's not by design, by not what we're choosing, but more by default, what is becoming flesh, so to speak.
Diane: Say the word. It is. So this is an interesting thing to Dolores had a saying, believe achieved doubt you're out. People can have instantaneous healing [01:37:00] in the session because they believe it so much. And our belief is our power. It's our mind saying, I believe this. So we're on board. Holy, and completely on board.
I believe, right? So she had a saying, believe, achieve, doubt you're out. And when I talked to the higher self about this, cause I was curious how this works, it basically we're saying. That when we believe, we open the door to our connection with our higher self and to the healing and everything else. And when we doubt, we shut the door.
They say, we just want you to know it's always your hand on the door. So that's empowering. That's your choice. So I'm gonna believe. I'm gonna keep my hand on the door and keep the door open. Because I can receive more. When I believe so this power belief now, we also say a lot of the messages from the higher self now coming in or just trust doubt.
I have heard in guidance over the years that believe achieved out. You're out. It was like, just believe achieve the heck with doubt. Now we're done with that. You don't even need to do that when it comes to this. My belief is now trust and knowing. And so I don't. I'm wide [01:38:00] open when I go in a session, please.
Oh, it's just like a slurpee. I want to slurp up the energy and the healing, right? There's no doubt. Yeah, because I trust this now. I've had, I've had it prove itself to me, it doesn't need to, it just is that way. I just needed to believe, right? So the belief is powerful and going into it like that and knowing that if we doubt it, that's fine too.
It's still going to work. Don't make a big deal about it. Don't fight it. Go with the flow of it. Okay. I'm doubting today, but I'm open to change my mind, just be gentle with ourselves. I did have a person that had a session.
I had a big family that I did sessions with. And it was so funny because the last young man that came in, he said, you know why they saved me for last. And I said no, no idea. He goes, cause I don't believe in any of this. I said, great. We're going to have a wonderful session. And he was able to see two past lives and get healing that he didn't even ask for.
Higher Self healed his knee and he got up after it and I said, how you doing? He goes, what was that?
It was so cool. He didn't believe in any of it. So that's why it's [01:39:00] no worries. It works.
Todd: So after my session I had, it was the weirdest experience afterwards. I was in a totally different frequency, a totally different frequency and everything, like I was living in a world of almost instant manifestation for things.
I went to the grocery store afterwards. I needed some more water, like crazy. Cause it was a very draining experience. And I was, I didn't know what do I want for dinner? And sushi would be great. And I turned the island. There's like a whole bunch of sushi right there.
I'm like, that's really weird, but I'm really looking for this thing. I don't know what I was looking for specifically. And I was just like, the guidance in my head was so loud. Just keep walking, wandering around the store. And then I'm like I feel like it's time to leave. Okay. Then it's time to leave.
And I turned to go leave. And. Walked right into whatever I was looking for, I was looking around the store, but I wasn't, I was looking for it, but not looking for it. And it was right there when it was time. And that night, so I went out to dinner with my dad and I was really distracted because I have my voices going like crazy in there and it was keeping me up all night.
I [01:40:00] could barely sleep. They were kind of loud and they were, they thought it was hilarious. And then the next morning I got up cause my flight leaving Arizona and coming back to Utah was early in the morning and it was further away than I thought and it was, we had a rainstorm and so I was anxious about it and the voices was, were just.
Don't worry, everything's going to be okay. And when I got into the airport, I got into the wrong line, not the baggage check line, so I had to carry the bag on and it was like super crowded. And like my flights leaving like in 10 minutes. And they said let's see if your suitcase will fit through the scanner.
And it did. And I'm running through the airport. I was the last person that boarded the plane and I'm looking around for like where to put my luggage. And the only open luggage bin was right above my seat. And the voice was like, see, we told you, stop worrying about it. It's just the habit that you're in of worry.
That lasted for days. Experiences like that. [01:41:00] That really opened my eyes to what's possible. And it's funny because I forgotten that to a degree with everything that I've done. Now I know that like the achievements and my getting my silver pin from Bob and the explosion that happened on Tik TOK, it was all related to listening to that guidance.
What is it in time? I guess it's the lack of repetition. I already said it, the lack of repetition. Because I haven't listened to my session in a while. You forget that frequency and you adjust to whatever's around you. I guess that's really the answer. But why is it that kind of things that this big emotional impact fades with time?
Diane: My first thought to you is actually that in a way your higher self wants you to know what's possible. So they give you a taste of it after the session because you've just completed the session. So you're in that frequency. And it's almost like a gift. They give you a little magic. And then you'll never forget that.
And you'll know what's possible. So again, I think you'll be able to, I don't know that. I think it's [01:42:00] happening all the time, but I think when we have a session, we just release a lot of that conscious mind construct. So we are more in tune with it. It's so funny you mentioned what happened after the session because I always see magic happen after the sessions and then The more that I tune into it every day the more I see it's always there I'm just not always paying attention like I am after a session, Yeah, a funny thing happened on one I think it was my first session where I was shown a pyramid in part of the session and it was really cool And then I said goodbye after the session was over and I had to do a rest stop on the way home.
And I walk out of the store and there's this giant pyramid on the door and it's talking about pyramid cigarettes. And I didn't even know there was such a thing, I just didn't know, but I saw immediately what was happening. It was again, that, Synchronicity happening. Like I started laughing.
I'm going out this door and I'm going, Oh my God, of course, there's a pyramid on the door, right? It's just so it's like cosmic humor and cosmic gifts all at the same time. Would I have even seen it if that didn't just [01:43:00] happen? Maybe not. Yeah,
Speaker 20: right.
Diane: Was it even there? If I didn't have the session? I don't know.
Maybe not. Now we could be cooking with fire here when we say that, like Delora said, the reason we anything is here is because we all consciously have an agreement that we're going to imagine that we're in the same building or whatever. She said, if we stopped agreeing and we blinker, we're not there.
It's just the things still exist. It gets really far out sometimes, but. These are the kind of mind games we like to contemplate when we get into this work. Does this, any of this exist unless we're in a conscious agreement that it does exist? Or does it blink out and then blink back in when we all agree that we're here in this shared space, you know?
Todd: That's a super deep Thing to be thinking about, right? I thought you said, I thought you said a super geeky thing to think about. It is a super geeky thing. We can geek out on this. Suzanne Spooner likes to say that she likes to geek out on some of these concepts we learn, it's true.
Diane: Anyway, I do really appreciate that you saw the [01:44:00] magic, is how I call it.
Todd: Absolutely. And so let me ask you this as we start closing out, who is a QHHT session right for?
Diane: I'm going to tell you the simplest thing and Dolores kept it simple and so do we, whoever resonates with it. You look over the material, you go to the website, if it resonates with you and you want it, key.
It's for you. If it doesn't resonate, you don't want it. It's not for you. And that's as simple as I can make it.
And then I
can go on and on because my conscious mind is now saying, but I have ideas. It's for people that, are curious and they want to learn about, their true self. They want to get in alignment with their purpose, their plan, their mission.
The conscious mind is now wait, there's so many ideas I can share, but it's, I believe that. The people that want this kind of session, find it. I know from history and experience that clients come to me and they say, I just found out about Dolores Cannon a couple of weeks ago because she popped up in my YouTube thread.
It's I, and a few times I deleted her and then she kept popping up. And I was who is this lady? And then they listen and they [01:45:00] go, Oh, so I feel like the energy of the universe and Dolores is in that now. I know she's behind pretty much every client that I get that she's had a hand in it because she's everywhere at once.
Now we could say. And I've had clients from early on say, I was driving in my car and there was energetically this old woman with curly hair was sitting in my passenger seat. Like I was like, who's that woman? Like they knew she was non physical. They thought it was a spirit. These are psychic people and everything.
We're all psychic. But she said I didn't know who it was. And then I went home and I was just looking on YouTube and then this lady pops up and it was the lady that was sitting energetically in my seat in my car. And that's how she found me. Decided to come have a session. Dolores came to her in the vehicle energetically, then popped up on her video.
These are the things that are possible that we're only just now beginning to understand. It's starting to get exciting on Earth right now, as we raise our frequency and consciousness. It's starting like we know [01:46:00] that we're working in an infinite universe and there's unlimited possibilities and potential for how we live.
We're starting to see the magic now. It's been a really dense kind of way of life on earth, but now we're growing really fast. So now these are the kind of experiences we're growing into. It's more fun now, isn't it?
Todd: Absolutely. With all of the contrast serving it as well.
Diane: Yeah.
Todd: If and where are you locally?
If people wanted to reach out and work with you locally, where are you at? I am in Western Massachusetts. I've now just brought my office back to my home office in Turner's falls, Massachusetts. It's a little village. Montague mass is the name of the town. And then I'm in the village of Turner's falls.
Diane: Yeah. And that's, I'm on the website, Q H H T official. com. And I can send you my links for my website and things like that.
Speaker 17: Yep. We'll make sure those links are in the show notes as well. And so you mentioned the website for people to find a practitioner near them. When they do that, they're going to see there's [01:47:00] several different levels.
Todd: We have a level one intern, level one, level two, level three. Can you briefly share what those mean in terms of practitioners?
Diane: Sure, level one interns have completed the level one class online and passed the test. And now they need to have volunteers to come for sessions. They need to do 25 sessions for no charge or maybe a donation if you want to, but it's really like their practice sessions.
So those people are really looking for practice sessions and it's a great opportunity. Level one intern. When they, Get their 25 sessions done and they've obviously passed the test for level one. They now become level one practitioners. So they're starting out on their journey of charging for sessions.
If they want to go on and take another class, level two, they have to take the class online and pass the test to be labeled level two. So now they've had at least 25 sessions, maybe more, and they've taken another class, and they're practicing and charging a fee. Level three is when they go through [01:48:00] the process of getting peer reviewed, and they go through the process of becoming They are critiqued by a group of their peers or a person that's at a level three level.
They've gone through an entire process. They've worked through all the kinks. They've made the changes that they need to make in their, the way they do the system. And they are now doing it as Dolores did it is how that level three is. That's the the advanced level and not everybody wants to be a level three.
It's a lifestyle. You're pretty much committing to this as your full time work when you're a level three. So that's the level three. And Yeah, basically people can go on and look for a practitioner in their area and we also say, look, read people's little profiles and things and see who you resonate with because it is about feeling comfortable with this person so that you feel like you can open up.
When you open up, you're serving yourself very well because you're opening up in your talk. You're opening up to your higher self. It's just a really nice thing. Way to do it. So we do say we want people to start, trusting their intuition [01:49:00] already pick a practitioner that feels Comfortable to you.
Todd: I would say that to anybody listening to the podcast and people have been following me for a while and now you're being introduced to diane or other people and bringing on It resonates For some reason it's in your, this information has come to you for some reason and pay attention, feel that, we talked about it my journey, holding onto the river bank and letting go.
We talked about your journey and moving forward. Like you have to allow that space and recognize it and go, there's something here and then have the courage to follow through with it. So if you're feeling, if you feel. I know, and I'm sure you can feel it too, Diane, someone's listening to this and knows that this is for them in that next step.
And we just want to encourage you to take that step. If it's not with Diane, maybe it's somebody with else but to listen to it, you're having that feeling for a reason. The more we feel that feeling and the more we allow ourselves to, to surrender to whatever. Action is on the other side of [01:50:00] that feeling.
The more happy, the more satisfied we are, the greater life gets. And then it's about what's the next thing I do next. I don't know. What else would you say to somebody thinking that or feeling that right now? I think what happens is if you go, if you have a session, you're going to commune is the only word I have commune with your own higher self.
Diane: And that's the place to ask your higher self. What is the best, the next best step for me? Ask inwardly. Or ask inwardly now and see what you get for your first thought, first impression. People come to earth to do all kinds of things. What do you do next? Whatever you want, whatever feels right to you.
What are you drawn to? What resonates in your heart of hearts? Because we really want to get to a place of living. Ideally, where we're responding to our heart and soul urges and leanings, right? Instead of just our conscious mind programming, right? Yeah.
Todd: Yeah.
Diane: Does that make sense? Am I answering the question?
I'm getting a little space It's
Todd: not I think it's great. No, I think it's great. And then in closing Diane, is there anything else that you would like to? Any other messages or anything that you [01:51:00] feel coming through that you would love to share? Oh,
Diane: my gosh. Okay. This is so funny because we often ask that question before we close the session.
And then what usually comes through and it just came through is basically that, everyone is far more loved than they even know. Everyone is loved so much by their higher selves. And the solution to some of our problems on earth could be that we understand and tap into the infinite love. Not the earthly love, but even though that's fine too.
Start to, to open to embrace more love and to honor yourself. And not in an egoic way, but just in a whole self way. You are an amazing human being. You are love. You are light. You may not know it yet. But start seeking and finding that you are more than you think you are. Thinking is fine, but it's not all there is.
There's more to us than that, but really this infinite love wants to be known here on earth while we're living in our bodies. It's what the message would be, I think.
Todd: That's beautiful. Thank you so much, Diane. This has been awesome. What a great experience. Thanks for making so much [01:52:00] time.
Diane: I am so happy and thankful to be able to do this with you.
So yeah, we'll keep in touch, but thank you.
Todd: Reflecting on this interview with Diane here that I just concluded a little while ago, it's amazing how powerful the energy of our highest self is. When we start talking about this information and transformation and spirituality, and again, not religion necessarily, but spirituality, that pure consciousness that we all come from, that we're connected with, it alters our frequency, it alters our vibration, changes not just how we feel, but how we think.
I was visiting with Diane afterwards and talking about my own journeys and where I'm at and what comes next and had some very clear guidance. She even said you could just ask your guidance, what's the right thing to do? And I asked, and I had some very clear answers and I've already taken action on one thing.
And the second is listening to my recording like I said in the interview. So I've got that processing and putting that on my phone. And I'll be listening to that today as well. I want you to take some action. [01:53:00] Now, a QHHT session may not be the right thing for everybody. This may be your first introduction, but maybe it's reading one of Dolores Cannon's books.
I'll make sure that there's a link at least to Custodians, the book that Diane had mentioned. I'll make sure that's Linked in the show notes for you. But maybe it's watching some of that content or maybe something else. Maybe you're already working with a coach and a mentor and you have direction at moving forward.
Maybe it's time that you work with somebody. There's something that you need to do now. And it's not just listen to another podcast episode. There's something you need to do differently. Right now and so I would ask you as we close the session just to get in touch with that higher self Maybe it's a brief meditation and creating that space and then asking what is the next right thing for me to do?
What's the next thing I need to do that's different and chances are it might excite you or it might scare you It might give you that ice water in your veins experience that we discussed in that interview And no matter what it is, if it resonates [01:54:00] and feels exciting or it scares the crap out of you, it's something that you've got to do, you've got to move forward.
The more we listen to that guidance from our higher self, that we all have, every single person has access to that guidance, the more we will be led to improve, not just our lives, but the entire world where we're living. It might not feel like things are getting better in the world, but I promise it is.
This is that part of managing crisis with wisdom and guidance and finding ways to become more than we currently are. The growth is painful, but hold true to your faith and belief that There's a reason for whatever's happening right now, and there's wisdom to be gained from the experience. And above all, life should be fun.
It should be exciting. It should be new. And if you're not feeling that, it's because the conditioned human being, part of you, has taken over that program, that paradigm, that old self image, is [01:55:00] controlling your life. You need to bring that back. under your control. Control of a higher power. A mind that is far more capable than just the conditioned human mind.
So take action on whatever it is that you feel guided to do your life will be better for it. I promise you if this episode was really impactful for you. I invite you to subscribe so you never miss an episode of the reprogram your mind podcast. We also broadcast this video on the YouTube channel as well.
So don't forget to subscribe there. If you can leave a review or comment on this episode, that helps it get out to the people that need it most. And if there's someone that you know who needs to hear this episode or needs to hear this message, please share it with them. That's how we get this information out there.
That's how we start transforming the world. By remembering that we become, literally, what we think about. And, in all honesty, you do as [01:56:00] well.