Ecamm Live Recording on 2024-11-14 at 14.43.54
Todd: [00:00:00] Mindset is everything guys. There is no aspect of your life. That is untouched by mindset
And if we're just living our life mindlessly, expressing the programming and conditioning and the trauma that's been dumped into us from an unaware world, we perpetuate the problems in our life.
Welcome. You're listening to the reprogram your mind podcast, and I'm your host, Todd L. Bauerle.
You think between 60 and 70, 000 thoughts a day, 98 percent of your life is controlled by habit. If you want to change your life, you have to start by changing how you think, when you change you, everything in life changes. If we can see it in our mind, we can hold it in our hands. Welcome back, everybody, to the Reprogram Your Mind podcast.
My name is Todd Bauerle. I'm excited to be here with you, especially after disappearing off the face of the [00:01:00] earth all of a sudden. I promise I'm okay. Everything's all right. I think that the message I have for you today is really informed by everything that's gone on in my life over, not really this year, but over the past couple of years.
To be honest, I think it was all a catalyst of my mentor Bob Proctor passing away in 2022. So it's been a long time coming. My intention is not to come on here and say, Hey, here's a new season. And here's a bunch of, I'm going to throw you a handful of episodes and then disappear, which is, I know what happened in season three.
I'm going to kick this off as, season four with this episode about how mindset is everything. And I may or may not do a sister episode to this. Saying everything is mindset and do the other half of this, but I feel very overwhelmed with the message that I want to give to you today.
I shot a tick talk about it briefly today and shared some of my thoughts and views and opinions about how mindset that word is perceived, what people think about it and how they miss how crucial it really [00:02:00] is. And I feel very emotional about this for all kinds of reasons, but it's really come to a head over the last.
Several weeks that I feel like this message really needs to come out. So I feel a sense of urgency in delivering this messages with you. So I'm coming to you, hopefully to be as raw off the cuff as possible clearly go through and clean up and make some edits, but I just want to talk to you and see where this goes.
I'm hoping to add a little bit more context and nuance to the tick tock that I posted today. And hopefully. This is a message that you receive in a way that is profound and transformative. And so this might be something that you want to bookmark and you want to come back to where you want to listen to maybe while you're not driving or trying to work or you're in the shower on a run or something, come back and really sit and contemplate the words that I have.
And I would also ask you to share as much as you can, this podcast episode, it's going to be published on my YouTube channel, which I'm rebranding as well. And. That's all part of this big [00:03:00] rebranding, a big relaunch and trying to find different ways to help you because mindset is crucial, it is essential, and it is everything in our world.
All of our problems, all of our solutions all come from mindset. And as human beings living in this world and interacting with other people we end up in conflict and disagreement because really just of the way that we're thinking,
our problems are not external. There are things, conditions and circumstances that happen to us that are positive and that are negative. Those external events are real and do happen, but how they affect or control our feelings on a day to day basis, how those outside events shape the belief system that we have and ultimately how it all controls what we do, the action that we take, the behaviors that we have,
the problem is inside of us. If we have some degree of internal [00:04:00] mental, emotional, spiritual suffering and struggling, it really is just coming down to how we're thinking about our mindset in relationship to whatever we deem the problem to be.
And the solution comes from challenging and changing our thinking. And I think most people do not really understand what it means to think and how vitally important it is. It's the most important thing that we have in our life is our minds and how we use it.
Our ability to think, it's what separates us from the animal kingdom. Bob Proctor used to Talk about this all the time, he would say, and he was referencing a play, I can probably look it up or maybe it'll pop into my mind here, that what separates the man from the pig and the horse, if you cut us all up and you throw us on a table, we all look pretty much the same.
But what separates us isn't anything physical as much as it is mental. Our ability to think, our ability to be creative, our ability to analyze and reason, our [00:05:00] ability to imagine new things, our ability to shift our perception, all of these things constitute thinking. And it creates consciousness. It's our consciousness.
If we stopped thinking, took out our brains, there's nothing that separates us from the animals. And most people don't really understand that because we're born with consciousness. Even though nobody, even science, can even really tell us what consciousness is, we're born with this ability to think. We're not taught how sacred and powerful a gift is, at least in our Western educational system.
I wasn't taught that way. We're not taught the way of using those mental tools. So we devalue it and we take it for granted. And in doing so, I think we don't understand how powerful it is. And if we don't understand what thinking means and how to do it, and we don't understand the power or really respect it, then how in the world Are we ever going to use it effectively?
Use that, use our mind, use our thinking. I don't know everything. I've got another [00:06:00] mentor that would say that I know enough. I know enough to not be stuck. I know how my mind works. I'm maybe not using it all of the time to my best ability, but I'm also aware that real wisdom comes from this idea that I don't know what I don't know.
Okay, and most people aren't even questioning. Is there something that I don't know? And I really mean that not in a judgmental way, not to elevate myself higher than anybody else, but most people are asleep and unconscious and they're not NPCs. They're not here to just show us what it looks like to not evolve.
I think people are brought up not understanding how to think and not being aware and not really questioning things. Most people are really just trying to survive instead of asking the question, what don't I know? I. had this moment of awareness with an old employer and supervisor where we were going through our professional development plan.
And I was so frustrated because I was supposed to list goals and things that I [00:07:00] would become aware of and study and maybe become an expert in. I'm like I don't know what I don't know. You, I assume as the authority, the boss, the supervisor, the mentor, things I don't know. It's your job to tell me what I don't know and point me in the right direction.
And he rejected that. It pissed me off and made me angry, but also at the same time, he was incredibly right. How foolish is it of me to assume that he knew what I needed to know? He didn't. In fact, I had a conversation with him and if you're listening Hey, we should reconnect at some point, but he's had some challenges and struggles and he called me I don't even know where to start in rebuilding my life, my profession, my family and I don't even know what you do, but I've seen your transformation and it's powerful.
And so we had some conversations about that. So I think we have an unfair expectation of ourselves and other people to know what's right to know what's wrong to know the right way of moving and we are always looking for someone that knows more that's why I'm surrounded by [00:08:00] books in my library here.
That's why I'm reading all the time. Although again, another mentor says, maybe you're confused enough. Maybe you put enough in your mind. You just need to go be yourself. And I think that created this space of this epiphany, this aha, maybe beginning stages of enlightenment that I'm experiencing right now that's really driving this message.
I feel like I'm always trying to Grasp for a deeper understanding of the mysteries of what it is to be human, but ironically I don't think that's how everybody sees it, especially the people that maybe are in the mindset world who are these coaches and gurus, I don't think they see it that way necessarily.
When it comes to mindset, Let's be honest, a lot of people have used mindset, the law of attraction, all of those concept as a really great marketing tool to capitalize on, to make it seem like if I flip a switch in my mind, everything magically solves, all the problems go away and it's a tool to get rich [00:09:00] quick.
Which I do believe you can become wealthy relatively quickly if you get your mind right too. But it's sold as this magic panacea that's going to solve everything without really understanding how challenging it is to have blind spots because you don't even know what they are. And you don't maybe even have the awareness to see where your blind spots are and change them.
Now, of course, I've got some practical tools. I'm grateful for my mentor, Bob Proctor, to have taught me some of these tools that have helped me, but they didn't solve all the problems. Everything didn't go away. There's still challenge, right? And so people look at mindset as a way to, if you popularize it and turn it into a marketing ploy you can sell people on it.
I think people use mindset as a tool to twist the minds of other people, the way that they think, sometimes to manipulate them and take advantage of them, take as much as they can for themselves. I think other people maybe are focused on using mindset to get all that they can for themselves without [00:10:00] really understanding and obeying spiritual law, where you have to give a greater equivalent in return of value for the money that's exchanged.
Some people are too focused on materialism instead of maybe the greater spiritual journey of the individual and the collective, right? So those are some of the things that I feel like I have deconstructed or I've been frustrated with. I have been very close friends with a lot of people who are very successful, and there are some people that are amazing, heart-centered coaches and entrepreneurs that really want to help people.
And then there's other people that have a major ego about it. I don't know that I ever heard Bob teach too directly on this, but the biggest enemy that we all have is our ego, the elevation of ourself over somebody else. And I know that I have an ego. But there's times subconsciously where that comes out and that, causes damage in my life, in my [00:11:00] relationships.
And it certainly damages my self image because if I think I know everything and clearly I have struggles and challenges that don't now, I doubt myself further. So the enemy is really ego in this. And a lot of people can use mindset to puff up their egos and make them superior to other people.
But then there's a flip side of this. There's a whole other side of this that I think is just equally horrific.
And that's where I think people devalue mindset. They think of it maybe as an afterthought. Or maybe it's a luxury and a privilege that not everybody has. It would be nice to have time to change my mindset, but I'm too busy working multiple jobs to put food on the table. And I think there's other people that have different priorities and they say that it's not a priority or they listen to a little bit and think that they know enough.
And really they just felt a little stronger, a little capable, and they don't have the tools. They don't understand the depth and value of mindset, and they go off and continue to be more stuck. And then the worst thing in the world is mindset work doesn't help, [00:12:00] doesn't shift anything, doesn't change anything.
And so I think we have people that elevate, mindset through ego and other people that dismiss it because it just sounds too good to be true. And they're too busy being stuck in their own story. But I want to say this. And I mean this deep from inside my heart and my spirit. Every problem I have ever had in my life, or that I'm struggling with right now, or that will pop up in the future, every problem is the result of how I am thinking about the situation. How I'm feeling, what I believe is true in that situation. and my physical action behavior in response to it. Because how we think about our problems is from the story and the conditioning that we've experienced from our life. And that's going to determine how we end up using our higher creative intellectual faculties to think differently. If we can use those tools to think differently, we're able to [00:13:00] find solutions.
To all of our challenges and problems.
I've mentioned the book The Science of Getting Rich before.
In the past I've mentioned the book The Science of Getting Rich and in there the author Wallace Waddle says that to think truth is the hardest work in the world that we have to do especially when truth is different than how things appear to be. He says Most people don't have the ability, capacity to have sustained consecutive thought.
He says it's the hardest work in the world to do. And it really is. To think truth regardless of appearances is laborious. That means it requires so much work. And it's really hard to do that. We are in an environment that has so much going on that's good and bad and otherwise. We have so many messages that are coming to us non stop from all kinds of media.
I'm not talking about news media. I'm talking about social media.
We are bombarded by [00:14:00] messages from the media. Audio, video, and I'm not saying the fake media or whatever it is. I'm saying media in general. audio, video from movies, TV shows, yes, news, politics, but music, anything that we read, anything that we consume in our mind, any of that, there's so much noise out there that is teaching and shaping us what we should, according to whatever that media source, what we should be thinking, how we should be feeling, what we should be believing about this circumstance, and then what we should do with those things.
We are bombarded by those things. And I'll tell you what, most people would really rather be comfortable outsourcing their thinking to somebody else. They would rather have their spouse do the thinking for them, or they would rather have their boss do the thinking for them, or their church can do the thinking for them, or their politicians can do the thinking for them.
When [00:15:00] we outsource our thinking to these other people, What we are doing is we are taking our most crucial and critical resource, our mind, our power to think what we choose, to shift our beliefs and feelings aligned with whatever our goals, desires, and dreams are, and then act in alignments. We take all of that power.
and give it to somebody else to be in control of. Why do we do that? Because we don't know any better. We're not taught the value of mindset. We're not taught how to think and how crucial it is to learn to think for ourself. Now, not for ourselves in terms of our ego, Because I do believe, I still believe, we are all spiritual beings.
We are, everything is energy, even on the physical plane. This physical body is still energy. And I do believe in some divine, collective, universal consciousness in one mind. The source, unified field, like whatever it is. There is a way. [00:16:00] Power beyond us and if we think from ourselves and allow that power to come through our lives Everything can change, but we don't understand the value of mindset we reject it because it's been manipulated and we give up our power of thinking to other people.
And in doing so we give up our control. The only thing that we can control, by the way, because I've come to accept this even more. I can't control conditions and circumstances. I can't influence those things outside of me. I do believe that I can create my own economy and that I can create my own self sufficiency and I can go out and achieve these goals and I do believe that we attract things that we're in harmony with, but we can't control everything outside, all that we can control is what we think and what we feel and what we believe and what we do.
And we just can't give that up to other people. If we really understood what we were doing, we would be more cautious with what we listened to. We would be more [00:17:00] skeptical. We would be more critical of, and not critical as in harsh or belittling, but we would be thinking more and evaluating what is a good message to continue thinking, what are good thoughts, and we would be distancing ourselves from those things that limit us.
But we haven't been taught that, so we just give it up to other people. And I'm telling you this, no matter what the conditions and circumstances that we live in, that any of us live in, we all have the ability to think. The ability to think allows us to change, allows us to change our results, allows us to impact our conditions and circumstances and change our life.
The truth is you're not thinking clearly. And neither am I. Nobody really is. We're always thinking from a place of conditioning, a place of story, whatever that story is. And because we don't know how to really own our own power, which means we own our wins and our losses [00:18:00] equally, we start projecting all of that onto other people.
And as we do that, boy, we become even more powerless. Each of us is all influenced by the experiences we've had around us, the constant messaging, all of those things that shapes how we think. And we need to start questioning how we are thinking. It's essential that we do that. And scripturally, it said this, that, in the last days, good will be called evil and evil will be called good.
Meaning that essentially, we will be so confused in our own minds, we won't know what's right and what's wrong. And it will be hard for us to distinguish fact from fiction. Are we not seeing that? I feel like we're living in that. We can call it, gaslighting, or misinformation, or disinformation, like at one point, we all knew that the world was flat, and then we awoke to greater awareness and understanding, and then we all believed that the world was round.
And now, many people don't know if it's round or [00:19:00] flat anymore.
And the people that are fooled the most are the people that do not question their own thinking. The people who don't ask, am I really on the side of what is right or what is factual or what is truth?
And there's a couple of quotes and ideas that come to my mind that I think are really descriptive and Highlight that problem The first is Bob's mentor Earl Nightingale. I'm pretty sure it's Earl who said 2 percent of the people actually think those people actually understand their minds, they know how it works either consciously or unconsciously.
They are competent and they know how to think and they take up that power and they take control over their mind and they start to shape their life to be what they want it to be. 3 percent of the people think they think, so they are under the impression that mental activity is thinking. They think that they believe or they've convinced [00:20:00] themselves that their thinking is correct and accurate, but they're not aware of their blind spots.
They're not aware of their conditioning. They're not aware of how maybe it's possible that they're not actually thinking truth, but the rest of the people, those 95 percent would rather die than think. And they don't even have the awareness to realize that they're not aware.
And living in that kind of world with people with those mindsets creates conflict.
There's another quote that comes to mind from Mark Twain. I just want to pull it up real quick and read it because it highlights this perfectly.
So Mark Twain said this, and I just love how simply it's phrased. It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. I know that's caused a lot of pain in my life. And I see that pain represented in the lives of the clients that I work with. And many people I interact with in social media,
We should really, as individuals, as well as the collective society begin to examine, what are we thinking? Why are we thinking that? And why are we so certain [00:21:00] that what we are thinking is true is right and good.
So hear me on this, if there's anything that you're struggling with and no matter how horrific and scary and real that it is, whatever's happening in your life that feels like you are out of control and it could be a health condition. It could be frustration with politics. Maybe you were just let go.
Maybe you lost a loved one. Maybe you're struggling with putting food on the table, no matter how challenging it is. I really want you to hear this. It's all happening outside of you. And if you could really take the ability to think and feel what you choose to reexamine your belief system. All of that turmoil that's happening inside of you can vanish and become clearer, and your mind can become clearer, and once you have clarity, you can see the way out.
All of those problems are [00:22:00] caused by what you're thinking. To resolve that internal conflict is the most important work that you have to do. To find right thinking that's aligned with truth and power.
When you become aligned, you become powerful. And when you become powerful, you can change your life. And when you change your life, you start changing the world, but you have to learn how to think differently, how to challenge the story that you've been telling yourself and how to shift the subconscious programming conditioning that's locked inside of your mind.
That's really where the source is of all the problems. Look, I don't have all the answers. I don't think anybody can. But I will tell you this, I am consistently striving to learn from the best people in the world. It's not just reading books off the shelf and trying to know something. I'm not looking for knowledge just to feel a little bit better.
I'm really, Trying my best every day to apply that knowledge and live aligned with those ideas. Because the times when I have been aligned, I've been powerful and amazing [00:23:00] things have happened very quickly.
Look, many of you might already know my story. I shared it all the way back in episode one. But the changes in my life have been dramatic. I want to read something, because there was a post that was made on social media, on Facebook, and an old coworker shared that post and added some commentary with it, and I was weeping, I was crying in reading it she says she took a post that I shared talking about how the ability to change our minds and change our perspective and how we're thinking dramatically is going to change and influence the course of our lives.
It's the only power we can take up, similar to the message I'm sharing here. She says this I worked with this amazing man back when he was more focused on the negative. He was just learning about some of the things he shares here. I watched him change. He inspired me to change. One huge difference between how our lives differ now is that he continued to focus on what he wanted.
I remember when he first started carrying a note card in his pocket that goals written on it, and I've watched him far [00:24:00] surpass those initial goals. Sometimes when I watch his videos like this, I feel envious of how he and his family have been able to make the changes they have. And I know it is honestly, What I'm feeling is disappointment in myself.
Disappointed that I've not stayed focused on what I actually want. Instead, I focused on how hard life is, and how I live every moment in excruciating chronic pain. Focused on how lonely it is to be a single mom.
As Todd so eloquently points out, we need to focus on what we want.
It's time to take our fear and anxiety and change it into courage and hope.
The funny thing is with some of the challenges over the last year or so, how some of that has creeped back up into my life a little bit.
I love reading that because it's just a great reminder to me of the changes I've made so far. And I love the saying, I didn't come this only to go this far. So there's more to be had, but I just want to recap. Multiple [00:25:00] times over the last couple years, I have earned my old annual income in about a week's time.
I was earning 35, 000 a year. Now, I haven't done that consistently. I haven't figured out how to do it consistently, but that's dramatically changed things. Before this, my marriage was really falling apart. We were in therapy. We almost got divorced. It was really bad and it was really filled with vitriol and resentment and my wife did become diagnosed with a brain tumor and had that removed, but somehow we found a way to allow that to save and even strengthen our marriage.
And if there's anything that I have always wanted. It brought me to my religion and it's led me away from it
a little more recently. But what I want more than anything in this world is to not pass all of my personal garbage and trauma onto my kids. I've always wanted to have a strong foundation for my kids and my family so that they can be more successful, so they can surpass what I've done with my life.
My deepest [00:26:00] hope and prayer would be that my kids wouldn't be burdened with the same cycles that have plagued me and my family and generations before. And even physically, this is a newer part of my journey, I feel like I've been overweight and fat my entire life and recently I'm no longer obese and I'm really working on my physical body and physical health.
But all of those changes and transformation that all came from mindset, all of the keys to changing my income, thriving for myself while I'm working for myself, thriving as a self employed person, dramatically changing my marriage, strengthening my family, becoming healthier, all of those things. Have come from changing how I think from mindset work and all the solutions to any of the problems and frustrations That I've ever had in my life right now or the ones that I'm experiencing It's all gonna come from changing my thinking
and I wish everybody knew that not knowing that as [00:27:00] an intellectual exercise I wish everybody felt it in their bones the way that I do because if they did they'd take this work seriously
Mindset is everything guys. There is no aspect of your life. That is untouched by mindset
And if we're just living our life mindlessly, expressing the programming and conditioning and the trauma that's been dumped into us from an unaware world, we perpetuate the problems in our life.
And at the heart of that, all of us do not know what we do not know and what we're not aware of. I'm no different than you.
I'm blind in a lot of ways, and sometimes it feels so satisfying to my ego. to play the role of a victim and to give that power up to somebody else. It feels good to be wrong. This is why things are the way they are. And I just am so tired of that part of myself.
I'm sure you are too, if you're aware of it. If you want to transform any area of your life, you need to know how to think. You need to know how to challenge the beliefs that you have. You need to know how to manage your feelings. You [00:28:00] need to learn how to make behavioral changes. And instead of being non productive in working towards your goals and dreams, you need to become incredibly productive working towards your goals and dreams.
That's where so much of. The peace of mind and purpose comes from. So if you want to transform any area of your life, you need to learn how to think and you need to learn how to apply all this mindset and spiritual knowledge and integrate it into your daily thoughts, into your daily behaviors, into your daily life.
Now, I'm not saying this to try and twist your arm and persuade you to come work with me. Yep, I have clients. This is what I do. It's my family's life and livelihood. Definitely depend on my ability to work with people and help them change their lives. If you're not working with me, go work with somebody.
Whoever it is. It doesn't matter. Do that. It's essential for our culture, for our society, for the entire world. It is essential that as many people in the world get a hold of their minds and their lives as possible to help us evolve. It [00:29:00] is critical. It is crucial.
And I promise I'm not trying to sell the idea of you just working with me. I don't need you to buy something from me for my life to be better. This entire podcast is really to try and sell you on the idea of your potential, of your power, of how essential it is for you to learn how to think for yourself, to become aligned with your intentions and your higher purpose and power so that you can find the solution to all of your problems and really transform and change your life.
If we don't challenge our conditioning, if we don't really live aligned with these teachings,
we will just be doomed to face the same struggles over and over again in a cycle until we become aware enough to do something differently. So it's okay. Everything's going to be okay. The world's going to be fine. You're going to be okay. You either deal with the challenges that your mind, your default mindset, programming, and conditioning has [00:30:00] brought to you today, or you can just wait for it to get harder and approach it down the road, maybe after you're confronted with the same challenge over and over again, something will click and you'll go, I can see it differently.
And maybe it's not now, but the reason things happen in a cycle over and over is to get us to that point where we've got to do something differently.
The reasons that we continue either in our own lives or generationally. to experience the same problems and cycles over and over again is so that we can become aware of what the problem is exactly so that we can fix it. And no matter what the problem is, it's always going to come down to your mindset.
I had a conversation with someone recently about mindset and mentorship. In fact, he was referred to me by another client. He was really looking for a lot of strategic advice and guidance. Put your money here, go do this in order to build a big real estate portfolio.
And look, there is some specialized [00:31:00] knowledge that I think you probably need for that. Within a very short while, I think I knew what a lot of this young man's challenges and problems were. And they were related to mindset. And he said, no, I think my mindset's great. I just need someone to tell me what to do.
And again, that's outsourcing your thinking to somebody else. Instead of really learning how to control your mind and discover for yourself what is right for you. We need to have the right goals and the right plans for our own unique creative genius. We can't just Carve and copy what someone else does because someone else's circumstances might be different.
Someone else's mindset might be different. Someone else's gifts might be different. Someone else's passion and drive is likely very different from ourselves. But if we focus on principle, if we really understand these principles of mindset, we can apply them to ourselves. And that's where we find fulfillment and [00:32:00] meeting and acceleration moving to our goals.
Don't outsource your future to someone else's plan. I've done it. I've wasted tens of thousands of dollars trying to do it that way. That way doesn't work. We need to learn principles. We need to understand principles and apply them in our life. It is just that simple.
I want to leave you with a definition of mindset, and I've hinted around it throughout this, but I want to be really clear. The dictionary defines mindset as the established set of attitudes held by somebody.
Another dictionary says that mindset is the mental attitude or inclination.
So let's unpack this just a little bit. The meaning of attitude is a settled way of thinking, of feeling, about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a [00:33:00] person's behavior.
Mindset is about how your mind is set and programmed thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
You could know everything in the world, and you could be the most positive, optimistic person in the world. But if you do not integrate those thoughts and feelings into productive behaviors that move you closer to the desired outcome that you want, you do not have the right mindset.
Mindset means your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions. I would add your belief systems and your behaviors regarding any specific person, situation, or thing.
So how do you know if you have a good mindset or not? It's really simple, the way that you think and the way that you feel, what you believe and what you do creates your outcomes and your results in the world through the law of cause and effect. [00:34:00] If you want to know where your mindset is, take a good hard look at your life and your results.
Are you happy? Are you healthy? Are you wealthy? Are you living with love?
Are you living with freedom?
You can have some of those areas and not all of them. You could be growing in some of them and then losing ground in others, but your mindset is the key to improving the results in every area of your life.
And I want you to take it as the number one, most important, crucial, critical task in your life to be challenging and growing and shifting your mindset,
because mindset is absolutely everything.
I really hope that the attitude and message of this Podcast resonates with you, I hope it finds a place in your heart, I hope it perks up your ears enough to want to come back and listen to it again. But even more importantly, if you've felt the [00:35:00] truth of this message, I really would love for you to like or follow along, but more importantly, share it.
Share it with as many people as you can, because I believe the only way we end up changing the world is if individuals change their lives, and then change their lives. It takes one person reaching their goal and saying that you can do it to teach other people that they can reach their goals by doing that.
That's how we change the world. That's how we elevate human consciousness. When individuals do the work,
I bet you there's 10 people you could think of just off the top of your head. That need to hear this.
I would feel so humbled if you could share it with them.
Again, I said, I might be a little somber, but I'm really okay. I'm just emotional. I'm filled with heart. Everything's going to be okay. You're going to grow. You're going to get through this, whatever it is.
I promise you.
I have a lot of other things that I want to share coming up on this season, talking about the journey, talking about my weight loss, and I'm going to be [00:36:00] changing how I work with people over the next, I don't know how long I'm going to be doing some different things. That I'll just need to get on the hook for with you guys and tell you about as I'm ready to launch them things like reading groups , studying some books together in sort of a kind of a coaching community, but not really going through a program.
I have a list of programs, probably a mile long for all kinds of different micro nuanced, areas of mindset to teach you as well as some signature program changes that are coming up as well. So there's a whole lot going on. Follow and subscribe to be up to date on this. And my YouTube channel is going to be refreshed as well.
So you can also follow Reprogram Your Mind on the YouTube channel. I'm going to have that link in the show notes. Of course, you can always reach out and follow me on any of my social channels. And if you find that you're ready to go to the next step and begin working together on your goals. You know what?
You can reach out to me and [00:37:00] always book time on my calendar. That's it for the reprogram your mind podcast. I am glad to be back. I am going to do my best to be with you each and every week as always. Often as I possibly can if there's a question or comment or something you would like me to teach on specifically for a future episode, please feel free to reach out And let me know what those things are as well I am going to be putting together a survey over the next couple of weeks to ask for your input On the programs, the books to read the things that you feel like I can help you with.
And I want to try and make it as affordable as possible to help as many people as I possibly can. So look for that coming in a few weeks as well. Until next time, this is Todd Bauerle with the Reprogram Your Mind podcast.
And it's important to remind you that we become what we think about and so do [00:38:00] you.